• Bryanpanorama_fish_eye
    1341 posts
    5 days ago

    There is a huge colony of these fruit bats along a nearby river. Late afternoon some of them stretch their wings and fly around a bit.




    They were far more dense in most trees but this was the only shot of them that was ok. Sometimes their collective weight will break the smaller branches.




    JPG, 331.6 KB, uploaded by Bryan 5 days ago.


    JPG, 8.3 MB, uploaded by Bryan 5 days ago.


    JPG, 902.6 KB, uploaded by Bryan 5 days ago.


    JPG, 583.9 KB, uploaded by Bryan 5 days ago.


    JPG, 621.9 KB, uploaded by Bryan 5 days ago.

  • edit

    Thread title has been changed from Little Red Flying Fox.

  • 5 days ago

    Magnificent photos, Bryan. Put one in the competition!


  • 733 posts
    5 days ago

    Nice images. I would brighten the body and the face of the flying bats and use some noise reduction on the sky.

  • doctorpanorama_fish_eye
    554 posts
    4 days ago

    I like the way the backlighting allows you to distinguish the arm and the structure of the wings. And, I agree with Sagittarius, I wouldn't say no to a little more light on the body...

  • Bryanpanorama_fish_eye
    1341 posts
    4 days ago

    OK, next week.

    This is a similar situation to when I captured the Wedge tailed Eagles. Bright sun, underneath of subject naturally dark and in shadow. I am still using FastStone which has no masking and a limit to how far shadows can be raised before it develops halos.
    Would you believe I bought ON1 before Xmas and still haven't started using it !?! I just haven't found the energy to jump into the learning curve...

  • NCVpanorama_fish_eye
    1986 posts
    2 days ago

    Wow what an amazing set of pictures. Really enjoyed these.