It seems there is a competition between this site and DPRforum. Depending on the previous DPReview forums, people moved here or there.
Nikon 1 users seem to post on DPRforum.
I guess in the end, probably only one will survive...
I had been undecided as well - more overall ex-DPReview forum users here, better UI and more N1 users at DPR Forum. But after having a nasty experience with the DPR Forum admin, I have abandoned the other site and will continue here at DPRevived.
I'm registered at both new sites and will stay that way until one of them folds. I have posted and commented more on the other site as I see some of the initial problems being addressed and the site stabilize. But it is troubling that some people are treating this as a competition between both sites. It is a shame that life has become more complicated as I now need to keep up with two sites to stay in touch with friends for DPR instead of a single site.
There was a real effort by the people doing this site to join forces with the others, and thus multiply our effectiveness in producing a DPReview refuge. Unfortunately that effort was repudiated. That was their right, if they really wanted to go it alone. What's less acceptable is the putting around of a story which reverses what actually happened. When it comes down to it, we have the receipts.
I hope that a black background never becomes a default view here.
I have a lifetime in graphic arts and study of page design and typography for print media and on-line displays. The very worst display design is a dark background with white type in terms of readability, presentation of information and eye fatigue. White as a background scores the highest in all categories.
I was a long time N1 shooter & DPR member. More of person learning in the background. Shooting two Z6s with 24-70/4 and 100-400 these days. Most days I carry the 100-400 (have a 2x to get to 800mm) and use the iPhone 14 Pro for the rest.
I miss my 70-300cx some days late in the afternoons of hiking. LOL!
Why would dark background become default? DPR has always offered a choice and DPR forum is the same. Despite your years of experience, many people like myself prefer dark background and I hope it gets offered here as well, but it’s not a deal breaker.
I’m registered at both, as well as a some others now, hoping to find a favorite. I don’t like the way Holger was treated at DPR forum and have been hoping all of the old N1 crowd would end up here but a lot of my favorites seem to prefer the other so what do I do? I don’t really have much spare time to be too active right now anyway so I will pop in now and there to see what’s happening.