• AlanShlens
    a year ago

    Hi everyone. This is something new we want to try out. It's a Zoom video call where you can meet the DPRevived team and have a chat. Discuss anything you wish. Get to know us and we can can get to know you. If this works well, we can make it a regular event - and maybe also invite speakers to come and tell us about their expertise. We could also branch out into tutorials if we can do it.

    As we have people from all over the globe, I have set this one up for 3pm UK time (GMT) on Sunday 3rd December.

    The Zoom link is shown below.

    Topic: Meet the team Zoom meeting
    Time: Dec 3, 2023 03:00 PM London

    Join Zoom Meeting

    Meeting ID: 981 8462 6892
    Passcode: 5811613885

    If you don't know how to use Zoom, you have just over a month to find out. Feel free to ask me if you have issues. You can do it on a phone, but it will probably be better on a tablet or PC. You will need a camera, speakers and a mic to be able to do justice to the call.

    Put the date and time in your diaries - and I look forward to putting faces to the names.

    Alan, Bob & Martin

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  • Maobylens
    1594 posts
    a year ago
  • AlanShlens
    a year ago

    Yes, but that's not the real person - just a snapshot in time 😁

  • Dunlinpanorama_fish_eye
    643 posts
    a year ago

    I personally won't be able to make it (a family birthday), but I wish y'all well and hope to join you in the future, if there are other Zoom meetings.

  • AlanShlens
    a year ago

    If it works, yes we will repeat it.


  • Manuelhelp_outline
    118 posts
    a year ago

    I understand English very badly, and speak it even worse, so I won't be taking part.

  • Digiramepanorama_fish_eye
    1900 posts
    a year ago


    You could try to be part of the zoom session, by just letting people know that you don't speak English very well. Also if your phone has a translator, that helps too. If people are friendly enough, they could also translate for you using their phone.

    I don't know if Spanish is your native language, but this is the translation of the message I wrote in Spanish. Also to let you know, I prefer not to participate in the zoom session for privacy reasons, but I thought I would give you this idea.

    Podrias intentar formar parte de esa sesion de zoom, solo haciendo saber a la gente que no hablas ingles muy bien. Ademas, si tu telefono tiene un traductor, eso tambien ayuda. Si la gente es lo suficientemente amable, tambien podrian traducir para ti usando su telefono.

    No se si el espanol es tu lengua materna, pero esta es the traduccion del mensaje que escribi en espanol. Solo para hacertelo saber, prefiero no participar en la sesion de zoom por razones privacidad, pero pense que te daria esta idea.

    To translate into Spanish I just say the words in English and it gives me the written words in Spanish. (Para traducir al espanol, solo digo las palabras en ingles, y me da las palabras escritas en espanol.)

    I speak Spanish horribly. (Hablo espanol horriblemente.) Thank goodness I have this phone. (Gracias a Dios que tengo este telefono.) 😀

  • Gregpanorama_fish_eye
    518 posts
    a year ago


    Мануэль живет в Португалии, товарищ.

  • Digiramepanorama_fish_eye
    1900 posts
    a year ago


    OK. Thanks for letting us know that Manuel lives in Portugal. I do not understand Portuguese very much, but I've heard them speak that language in Brazil. But it seems that Portuguese there might be a little different. Does anyone else want to translate my message for Manuel in Portuguese with their phone? 😀

  • Manuelhelp_outline
    118 posts
    a year ago

    Yes, I know that there are good translators, but this process impairs the fluidity and involvement in the conversation, and then my contribution would be very poor.
    I am touched by your encouragement for me and others to participate, but I stand by my position. I will not participate.

    Thank you very much.

  • Adventurer69panorama_fish_eye
    15 posts
    a year ago

    Sorry , apparently I missed this .😭

  • AlanShlens
    a year ago

    It hasn;t happened yet.

  • GreatBustardpanorama_fish_eye
    703 posts
    a year ago

    Maybe host it on Only Fans similar to how DPR has (had?) a YouTube channel. : )

  • AlanShlens
    a year ago

    I've got a free Zoom account and that's what I know.


  • Dunlinpanorama_fish_eye
    643 posts
    a year ago

    Keep in mind Zoom meetings hosted by a free account can only be up to 40 mins long - after that the meeting is terminated. Just in case you didn't know.

  • AlanShlens
    a year ago


    I meant I have a full Zoom account - which I get for free, No time limits.


  • Adventurer69panorama_fish_eye
    15 posts
    a year ago

    Well certainly keep me posted .

  • AlanShlens
    a year ago

    Just a reminder. It's this Sunday, 3pm UK time.


  • AlanShlens
    a year ago

    A last reminder before tomorrow.


  • AlanShlens
    a year ago

    Thank you to all who popped in. We had a great 2 hour chat. We will do this again, probably near the end of January.



  • panorama_fish_eye

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