• zackiedawgpanorama_fish_eye
    31 posts
    2 years ago

    Picking up where I left off, here are some additional random wildlife shots taken from my local wetlands - a few more from April 1st followed by some from April 7th on the following weekend. Lots of hatchlings this time of year with hundreds of nests, many within 10-15 feet for some amazing closeup looks into the nests without disturbing the birds...one of the unique elements of birding down here in S. Florida. Also, some reptile life thrown into the mix. All shots here taken with the Sony A6600 and Sony FE 200-600mm G OSS lens, handheld, and originals are posted at 2400 pixels on the long side if you double-click them to view in new tab.

    Tricolored heron chicks, hatched within the week:

    The beautiful but increasingly rare-to-spot native green anole:

    Banded water snake hanging out on the surface, deciding which way to go:

    Female red-winged blackbird:

    Closeup with a least bittern, ready to strike at a fish below:

    Brand new hatchlings - two green heron chicks that were just days old in their nest:

    A local 'celebrity' - a pigeon with partial leucistic white coloration who lives at Green Cay wetlands, photographed often due to the distinct colors:

    A pied-billed grebe, looking peaceful and still out on the water:

    Difficult shot in extreme low light, and also shooting nearly straight up - after posting the male eastern screech owl in my last set, I was able to locate the female eastern screech owl sitting high up in a palm tree in a very shady part of the cypress pine scrub forest:

    A green heron chick, still fuzzy but growing at around 3 weeks old:

  • piticotopanorama_fish_eye
    37 posts
    2 years ago

    Thank you for the pictures of wildlife. How do you rescale to 2400 on the long side? I have used PhotoResizer in the past, or just Paint. PhotoResizer allowed to do in batches, when I used for picture digital frame, with lower revolution anyway, and I needed smaller file size to load pictures faster in the slides.

  • Pengu1npanorama_fish_eye
    2 posts
    2 years ago

    Hi, Justin,
    Great images! Bird babies just don't get the "cutest" award, esp. those tri-colored and green heron chicks! That pigeon is beautiful, though.


  • zackiedawgpanorama_fish_eye
    31 posts
    2 years ago

    piticoto, I do my resizing in PaintShopPro Photo - my main editing software. Typically as I sort photos, and do any cropping/editing, I save a full-res final copy and also save a resized version for uploading.

    Karen, I agree on the baby birds - many are quite ugly. They're 'cute' in that ugly way. Though ducklings break that rule - they are adorable by any measure! Also, some baby birds such as stilts can be very cute too.