• Members 1982 posts
    Nov. 15, 2024, 9:31 p.m.
  • Nov. 15, 2024, 9:58 p.m.

    I responded to the survey and put NO to everything I could.


  • Nov. 15, 2024, 10:01 p.m.

    If their subscription includes articles or topics, not accessible for free users, then I would not subscribe.
    If they will have same content for paid users and other people, then I would not subscribe.
    If they start to nag me because using adblocker (and I could not utrn that off), then I would not visit them anymore.

    TL;DR - I don't care and I don't subscribe.

    Generally I don't subscribe to information sources or communication platforms (forums). I could subscribe to some really interesting service or collaboration platform, like shared genealogy research.

    This forum needs users to make it more lively.

  • Nov. 15, 2024, 10:23 p.m.

    New users can come in - admins need to go and approve them at the moment.


  • Nov. 15, 2024, 10:29 p.m.

    Nowadays there is no easy way to attract new users for any forum - young people usually live in social media and older people are conservative (or just lazy) enough to not search for any new forums to participate. You (we) have to actively invite people here and even this does not work so easily, habits are hard to change.

  • Members 1782 posts
    Nov. 16, 2024, 5:39 a.m.

    I'm watching and thinking about this and I'm sure others are doing the same.

  • Members 1982 posts
    Nov. 16, 2024, 11:39 a.m.

    Yes, I understand this. It is difficult to fit into a new forum, after years posting on another forum like DPR. You have to start getting to know people all over again. This was an easy forum to fit into, as we were all mostly refugees from DPR. I have tried other forums over the years, and only one other clicked with me. Others I quickly abandoned for one reason or another.

    I have used a couple of forums concerned with other interests, to get some information on what hardware is worth considering. I was surprised just how much interest there was in amongst a younger audience for something niche and esoteric like high end headphones. Whilst the conventional HiFi world is in the doldrums like photography.

    Photography is one of those interests, that is failing to attract a younger audience. Maybe because the mainstream is too wrapped up in gear and arcane technical questions. It is pretty surprising ( or maybe not) that photography is seen as one of those old fashioned hobbies, like model railways, or train spotting, by the general pubic, in a time in history when more photographs are being made, than ever before, and people take pictures on an almost daily basis of everything that catches their eye.

  • Members 1982 posts
    Nov. 16, 2024, 11:55 a.m.

    I did too, although I do not care much about the fate of DPR anymore. The infamous Mako, put me on permanente pre moderation, due to comments I made here, about the atrocious moderation on DPR. Complaints to the Admin there have got zero response. I cannot even be bothered to make a new account to get around the problem

    Looks like they are starting to have problems, with how viable the operation is, in a sector that continues to contract significantly.

    I am part of the problem. The gear I have is still current after several years, and I have little interest in new gear. I now have more lenses than I really need, and a new lens will have to offer something really remarkable, for me to buy it. Sites like DPR rely on people buying new gear.

  • Members 727 posts
    Nov. 16, 2024, 2:06 p.m.

    I only look at their Sigma Camera forum and the Tech. forum. Otherwise the Camera Reviews to look up specifications thereof.

    Sadly and going by the 'Top Poster' criterion, the excellently-moderated Sigma forum there has contracted by 85% over the past few years and, here, the Sigma forum is dead.

    I live in hope that one DPR subscription Option will be 'Free' (my adblocker is still working well there).

  • Members 1982 posts
    Nov. 16, 2024, 2:25 p.m.

    All the various forums, seem to have contracted significantly. When I used M43, and posted there, a thread risked going off the front page in hours. Now I see they they linger for days. On the forums I posted on, most of the most "interesting names" have gone. But on the other hand, I discovered some people had several multiple accounts, which was pretty disturbing.

    The arguments are pretty lame there too. Nothing much worth reading.

  • Nov. 16, 2024, 6:58 p.m.

    Thing is that Sigma forums are dying in other places too. Sigma has long time not released any new Foveon-tech cameras, thereby no new users. Old Sigma users are often changed their gear to something other (like me) or are not posting on forums anymore.
    Of course DPR troubles were not helping - when DPR shutdown was imminent, then many people ran away, didn't find similar place - but didn't return there either.

    As our forums here are not gear-centric then Sigma (or any other brand-dedicated) part here would be dead even without other reasons. I think in some future we may close off all brand-named forums here and dedicate even more attention to photography itself.

  • Nov. 16, 2024, 7:46 p.m.

    I would hold off on doing that, to wait and see whether DPR goes behind a paywall, in which event we would have no fora to discuss gear.

    Leaving them open may attract more people from a dead DPR.

  • Members 1982 posts
    Nov. 16, 2024, 7:48 p.m.

    The only forums that I see still with some life, are picture based, rather than gear based.

    My D850 and Z7i are still fine regarding sensor technology. I have no incentive to learn about new camera gear.

    DPR seems a shadow of its former self. They censored all the fun out of the forums, and a lot of people could not be bothered anymore.

  • Members 727 posts
    Nov. 16, 2024, 8:08 p.m.

    I did that. Just before the "due date" I took all my gallery out, my gear list and my avatar but kept the free subscription. Then it didn't go away immediately and suddenly re-appeared almost as if nothing had happened, so I "returned" because of the Sigma interest.

    I have no objection to that at all. Others might.

  • Nov. 16, 2024, 8:39 p.m.

    We have already moved the gear stuff around from when this forum was started (to fully emulate DPR) so that the focus was on pictures and not gear. Personally, I think it has worked really well and the quality of the pictures is really high here - and plentiful (better than my photo club). It was always (since DPR was sold) envisaged that gear discussions happened on DPR - certainly in the Fuji forum over there, that is the case - it's well moderated and there are some interesting gear discussion.

    I think they said there would never be a 'paywall' on the forums, you just subscribe for deeper reviews and better articles. So, We should be able to carry on as normal.

    I don't think I will ever delete the gear forums on here. They are not doing any 'harm' or taking up much space and if anything did happen to DPR, we do have a place for others to visit. But if others feel differently, I am always open to suggestions.



  • Members 1782 posts
    Nov. 16, 2024, 9:27 p.m.

    As Alan knows, when DPR did a Lazarus, I had lengthy contact with Dprev with a proposal, based on the stats of participation at Dprev, to reform Dprev based on images rather than gear. Quite a few of my thoughts were taken up. It was a long term plan based on getting hits to the site while we still had reasonable numbers who had come over from DPR before the rebirth. Some of the plan is in place, including the name change to The Photo and the Resources section.
    As I understand it, there are legal ownership issues that prevent what I saw as the next big problem, the structure of the Home Page, from being reworked. Everyone, have a look at the Home Page and try to see it through the eyes of someone arriving at Dprev for the first time. Would you bother going further? Now have a look at the website. That's more like what I think everyone should see when they arrive. Nobody uses The Photo as the name of this group. It is still Dprev. Folks, that has to change if this place is to survive and grow. Are there still legal/technical reasons that the current Home Page can't be reworked?
    A bit of reality.
    Alan and Arvo are clearly working way above the call of duty to hold The Photo/Dprev together. Wherever we go has to be achievable without burning them out.
    While we claim nearly 4000 members, actual participation is about 60, probably less. Based on the User info.
    I think (Alan and Arvo energy levels allowing) it is still possible to further build the image focus base of the site and then co-opt the current participants into helping build the numbers.
    Anyone want to discuss this further? A&A, should such a discussion be held in a public place or might it be better to have it in a personal messages group that many people could take part in?

  • Nov. 16, 2024, 9:44 p.m.

    Can't speak for Alan, but I think interested people can start straight here, replying to your post. If we see some interest we can decide where to continue.
    To not influence your (and other people) thoughts I will not comment on anything. Yet :)

  • Members 1782 posts
    Nov. 16, 2024, 10:10 p.m.

    A personal message group would be by application and then acceptance by A&A. Some discussions might go down long term business planning paths and you guys would want to be discrete about what you were prepared to say for business reasons. Understood. And you wouldn't want the discussion to become the kind of free for all if it is open to anyone who drops in.