• jabergpanorama_fish_eye
    535 posts
    a year ago

    It is only the case for those who make the effort and have the secret knowledge. The path of least resistance/geekery is to repost.

  • Stigpanorama_fish_eye
    599 posts
    a year ago

    It is only the case for those who make the effort and have the secret knowledge. The path of least resistance/geekery is to repost.

    Freemasonry at best!

  • Bryanlens
    1357 posts
    a year ago

    But then you wouldn't get the thumbnail, correct? But can still click on the pic for fullscreen or 1:1 view?

  • a year ago

    By copying the code that puts the picture in the first posting and putting it in a new posting (e.g. in another thread) you create the same as you had in the first posting. That is how I recently put my entry into the October competition thread.

    I didnt invent this method: we were told some time ago that doing this would not actually affect our quotas, but would merely point to the original uploaded photo.


  • OpenCubehelp_outline
    861 posts
    a year ago

    Where can we send money to support if we wish?

  • AlanShlens
    a year ago

    Thank you for your offer - much appreciated.

    The system isn't set up yet. It will be paypal but I need to get it linked to the bank account. I hope to sort that out in the next few weeks (I'm still away in Turkey).


  • AlanShlens
    a year ago

    Just to keep you informed - we have no real progress yet. Bob is still not well, and Martin is having serious issues with his personal internet. But we are going to be doing some internal tests of the new s/w as soon as that issue is sorted out.

    I've been home from Turkey for 3 days and haven't stopped with all the catch up things I've had to do (who said retirement was a time to relax??). I'm hoping to do some work on the payment processor tomorrow.

    We haven't forgotten about you all. One thing I was wondering was whether to do a 'meet the team' video call sometime in the near future. Using Zoom and a time convenient to most of you all (I know we can't please everyone) and just have a general chat about things - and put faces to names. So, what do you think?

    If that works, then maybe we can do video chats about some specific photo processing or other ideas - maybe get a guest speaker in or something. That's all for future discussions though.


  • Maobylens
    1592 posts
    a year ago

    I prefer fixed lenses 😉

  • simplejoyhelp_outline
    1662 posts
    a year ago

    Sorry for not responding sooner. Thanks for the initiative and ideas. I'm personally not really interested in zoom-meetings (I usually prefer writing), but if there are others who like that, it could be a great idea. If you do that zoom meeting, perhaps also consider creating a short write-up of the "Meet the team" section and add it as a pinned thread or a part of the menu on the top of the site.

    As for the "put faces to names" part: @Maoby has created this thread a while ago and there have been a number of people responding. Perhaps something like that (accompanied by a couple of words about ourselves) could be a good basis for that in an ongoing form.

    All the best wishes to Bob in the meantime! Thanks for your work.

  • AlanShlens
    a year ago

    I didn;t get to do the payment processing (yet again).

    As for Zoom meetings, I'll chat with the other admins and see what we come up with.


  • AlainCh2panorama_fish_eye
    535 posts
    a year ago

    YOU LAZY !!!!!


  • StanDisbrowpanorama_fish_eye
    472 posts
    a year ago


    I prefer lenses which don't break in the first place.....

    Sorry. Couldn't resist that one!


  • AlainCh2panorama_fish_eye
    535 posts
    a year ago

    Any news from Bob ?

  • AlanShlens
    a year ago

    Yes, we chatted on Sunday. I'm hoping he will post here soon.


  • Stigpanorama_fish_eye
    599 posts
    a year ago

    Hope you sent 'get well' wishes from the lot of us!

  • panorama_fish_eye

    Thread has been unpinned.