The entire digital operation was for the Federal Sector, then later for the industrial sector. By the time they had the models you have, they were targeting the News area for Professional photography. That slowly spilled out to event shooters and a few others. They never meant it to be for the masses.
The masses were served by the rest of Kodak. Meaning film.
An odd thing occurred though. As they were buying stripped down film bodies from Nikon and Canon, and selling some back to boot, more film shooters wanted digital. Kodak wound up with increased sales and so some economy of scale and the price tags dropped.
Then, both Nikon and Canon brought out more bang for the buck. Kodak wasn't going to compete. They had another generation in process, but that wasn't going to continue for long. They needed something more and so they turned to another sensor maker and some other film bodies to make that change. And they had....problems....
At this point, Kodak Main figured out that this digital stuff was eroding their film sales. So it was time to lock up their own digital competition. Way too late for that, but this desire combined with the 14 MP problems put paid to their making entire cameras. Now they were pulled back into leveraging their CCD sensor designs. First into the Pro Backs then into the Leica DMR and so on.
I bought my 760c and 720x during the end-times fire sale directly from Kodak. A little later I picked up a Pro Back and a Contax 645. I also scored a 660m from someone lucky enough to score 760m right there at the end. I tried to get one directly as I did the other stuff, but they were already sold out.
So there I was, all Kodak equipped in 2003, and I sold off just about everything else I had save for an old E2 and my 520c and my D1H. Now the Pro Back is gone, the 720x is gone when I bought a Df in 2018. And the 660m went in 2020 to pay for most of my Pentax 645D based kit.
Oh, I did try and pry a 10 MP 760c out of them, but all they had was a couple test beds for that sensor and they weren't going to let me have one. To get that, I'd need to buy a DMR and an R9 and a bunch of lenses. Too costly for me!