Hi all - Just signed up here.
I've been a regular contributor on the DPReview print forum for some time
Some may know my occasional printer reviews (now with videos) which date back to ~2008
Hope to contribute here as well...
Hi all - Just signed up here.
I've been a regular contributor on the DPReview print forum for some time
Some may know my occasional printer reviews (now with videos) which date back to ~2008
Hope to contribute here as well...
Hi, Keith
Welcome aboard. I'm looking forward to your posts.
Hi Keith. Glad to see you here. I hope some of the other regular contributors From the DPR printing form come over also.
Hello Keith!
Great that you are here now. Looking forward to your contributions here!
Welcome! Hopefully one or to other core 'printing' members will now follow and this place can start coming properly to life.