• Members 28 posts
    March 26, 2023, 1:40 p.m.

    So I'm a "migrated" user today 3-26-2023, same user name as from DPreview. I'd been there since 2005 or thereabouts. I'm a "stills only" person (disagreed strongly with the Nikon D90 and Canon 5D II back in the day) but with my first post I'm asking about possibly upgrading from the Z50 to the Z5. I'm a hobbyist, not a professional.

    I basically enjoy my Z50 and especially like its portability, but the Z5 tempts me. Strange as it is I've had a hard time at times getting used to the "touch display" on screen DISP or INFO button as well as zoom in-out during playback. The Z5 seems to have a setup I could do better with that way, and oh yes it's full frame and highly regarded. Nikon at times also seems to have totally abandoned DX.

    The main bugaboo is I believe the Z5 is somewhat bulkier. I really like the portability of my Z50. Still, if you can get a full frame Z5 for not much more, and I get on with its controls better, why not.


  • March 26, 2023, 3:57 p.m.

    The real thing with going FF is knowing what you'll get from it. Unless you' willing to narrow your DOF or use longer exposure times the answer might be 'not much'

  • Members 28 posts
    March 27, 2023, 10:30 a.m.

    Yes, I think I'm tempted because of the idea of how inexpensive the Z5 is,. not that much more than the Z50, plus the controls as I mentioned. The portability issues is my main reason for hesitating. I wish someone local had a Z5 I could try out in person beside my Z50.

  • March 27, 2023, 10:56 a.m.

    Isn't it much the same size as Z6 and Z7? It's basically the same body, I think. If so, it's small by digital camera standards - about the same size as my FM2n though quite a bit larger than my Lumix GX80

  • Members 39 posts
    March 28, 2023, 1:21 a.m.

    What FX lenses do you have in mind, and what lenses would they replace? That might make a big difference to the portability. There's not a huge difference between the 16-50 and 24-50, but there is when you step up to the 24-70 f/4

  • Members 6 posts
    March 29, 2023, 8:54 p.m.

    I have both a Z5 and a Z50. Got the Z5 first. It's a bit smaller and lighter than my D7100 or the other D7X00 bodies. With the Z mount S line lenses I use with the Z5 it tends to be a bit heavier than my D7100 with DX lenses, but not uncomfortably so. Of course the S line Z lenses are much better than the DX lenses I had.

    I typically use the 24-120 and 14-20 Z mount lenses with my Z5 but also have the 28mm and 40mm for lighter weight and more compact options.

    I got the Z50 for a smaller and even lighter option to replace my venerable D40. The only Z DX lens I have is the 16-50 kit lens. At this point I do not plan to add another Z DX lens. The upcoming Sigma fast DX primes are of interest 3x - 4x heavier than the 16-50 DX kit lens so start to eat into small/light form factor.

    I prefer the ergonomics of the Z5 as I dislike the soft touch buttons and the position of the multi selector pad on the Z50 (which it were higher up or a thumb stick were present). But I am using the two cameras about an equal amount of time now. The Z5 has a bit more rugged build.

    The two cameras make a great pair for me.

  • Members 6 posts
    April 1, 2023, 2:59 p.m.

    Z5 and Z50 owner here. I am also a stills-only shooter.

    First of all, the Z5 is larger than the Z50 but not by much, IMO. The last two fingers of my right hand land on the Z5 grip, something that doesn't happen on my Z50 (I have small hands, too). So I find the Z5 more comfortable to hold.

    As one of the responders to your post has mentioned, the lenses that you choose are a very important factor. When I want a lightweight Z5 setup for metro travel, I like the Z 40/f2 and the new Z 26/f2.8 (I also have and up to now have used the Z 28/f2.8 for this purpose, but the IQ of the new Z 26mm is significantly better IMO). While this kit is not as light as a Z50 + Z 16-50, it is very lightweight, small, and I find the IQ to be better for my purposes (travel, family outings, general walking around).

    Additional reasons that I like my Z5: two SD slots (peace of mind on overseas travel), Much Larger EVF view, more controls that can be customized, better AF-C tracking (with the most recent firmware from a few weeks ago), hugely better battery life, dust removal function (important to me, I change lenses a lot), better dynamic range at base ISOs, less noise at higher ISOs, and IBIS.

    Both Z's are excellent cameras, you just have to choose. Good luck on your decision!

  • Members 52 posts
    April 2, 2023, 4:15 p.m.

    In have thought of getting a used Z5 but more for using my old manual adapted lenses. I only have 2 FX AF lenses that I could use with it right now and don't really want to buy more expensive Z lenses. My 16-50 and 50-250 are such good lenses on the Z50 that it seems silly to try to duplicate them for a Z5.

  • Members 6 posts
    April 7, 2023, 4:31 p.m.

    I would like to have a Z5, but already bought a Zfc before the Z5 price reduction. I purposely bought the Z 28mm f/2.8 SE and Z 40mm f/2 SE lenses instead of any DX lenses for the Zfc.

  • Members 54 posts
    April 7, 2023, 7:14 p.m.

    I bought my Z5 very slightly used about 2 years ago. I was and I guess still am a Pentaxian, but wanted a good body for vintage K and m42 mount lenses (I felt my K-1 was not it.. needed accurate focusing using VF). Z5 ticked pretty much all boxes and still does. I don´t have large hands, but still I "had to" buy a cheap chinese 2-piece Arca swiss L-plate under the body. It raises the grip about 7mm and adds support for my pinky. Love it. <3

    I liked the Z5 so much that I´ve bought a lot more glass for it and traded some of my K-mount redundant lenses. Recommended! =)

  • Members 6 posts
    April 8, 2023, 2:20 p.m.

    [/quote]In have thought of getting a used Z5 but more for using my old manual adapted lenses. I only have 2 FX AF lenses that I could use with it right now and don't really want to buy more expensive Z lenses.

    Good idea! I inherited several vintage lenses from my father, a Leica 35mm/f3.5 Summaron, a Zeiss 35mm/f2.4 Jena Flektogon and a Nikkor S 50mm/f1.4. Bought cheap adapters to Z mount on Amazon (for the two German lenses and use a FTZ for the Nikkor) and now can shoot them on my Z5 with IBIS! Very interesting rendering from these vintage lenses, quite different than modern Z lenses, especially from the Leica. The images are beautiful, better on the 24MP Z5 than on my Z7ii, so it is the body that I use for these lenses.

  • Members 3 posts
    April 9, 2023, 9:30 p.m.

    I have both cameras. I use the z5 when I don't need to carry it much as the 24-70 f4 is slightly better than the 16-50 dx. However when I'm doing some walking around I prefer the lighter z50.
    Really there is not that much difference in photo quality unless you really search for it.
    Good luck with your decision.

  • Members 2 posts
    April 17, 2023, 1:32 p.m.

    "I've had a hard time at times getting used to the "touch display" on screen DISP or INFO button as well as zoom in-out during playback."

    I have my Z6 set up with F2=100% zoom. It's faster and easier than using the physical "+" and "-" buttons. They require two "+"clicks to reach 100%, then two "-" clicks to see the full frame again.

    The F2 zooms to the focus point, then a second press zooms all the way out. It's great for focusing on subjects with interfering branches in front, for example. I can easily see the zone of focus moving in and out as I turn the focus ring (which works even in AF, of course).

    The same F2 zooms to the focus point when I do image review, nice! I can then use the touch screen to drag the view, pinch to zoom more, or use the "+" or "-" buttons.

  • Members 16 posts
    April 17, 2023, 2:08 p.m.

    Why not use the center of the multi-selector. In playback this toggles as standard between 100% and the previous magnification

  • Members 457 posts
    April 17, 2023, 3:59 p.m.

    I have recently rediscovered my Z 50 (I have Z 7 II, OM-1, and X-T5 ). The weight and size of Z 50 with the DX lenses are unsurpassed while producing a very good IQ. The DX zooms are quite good. The system is only missing the announced PZ wide zoom (and maybe some very light primes). The slow zooms are not much of an issue, as AI NR can be applied when necessary.
    The difference in weight and size is also caused by lenses, not only the bodies.
    If you do not mind the size and weight, Nikon's full-frame Z system is great. It is nice to have both; sometimes, the weight matters, and sometimes it doesn't.