• aaly70panorama_fish_eye
    21 posts
    2 years ago

    Just got it to complement my 35-70mm f2.8 , in good cosmetic condition and mint optical condition, after a quick test shots it took -15 to -20 AF fine tune on my D800 were shots looks tac sharp in all focal range so far, still need to do a proper test on a chart to be quite sure.

    Paid the equivalent of USD 230 for it which is I assume a good price,

    In spite of its age (according to serial number average of 23 years 😂) along with D800 (11 years 🤣) it’s capable of producing amazingly good image in terms of sharpness and tonal colors

    Now have to take more time testing and shooting

  • craftsman70panorama_fish_eye
    14 posts
    2 years ago

    I've got that lens. It's a very decent lens that seems to have gotten a poor reputation over the years for some reason or another.

    My only complaint is that my cameras don't recognize the lens's ability to autofocus anymore. The manual focus works great, I can turn the screwdriver link manually with a screwdriver and it focuses but I can't get the cameras to do it anymore.

  • aaly70panorama_fish_eye
    21 posts
    2 years ago

    If the lens set to AF it might be the contact need clean, try clean it and check that all pins are fine and no pent/damage on

  • leitzpanorama_fish_eye
    177 posts
    2 years ago

    It sure got rave reviews when first introduced.

  • TheDavinatorpanorama_fish_eye
    621 posts
    2 years ago

    I’d love to see a few samples…especially at 20mm. I’ve been considering that as a walk around land with my D700.

  • mma2panorama_fish_eye
    6 posts
    2 years ago

    I’d love to see a few samples…especially at 20mm. I’ve been considering that as a walk around land with my D700.

    Here you go, shot with my D700, both with a Heliopan circular polarizer.

    Wengen, Switzerland, 2010, Nikkor AF 20-35/f2.8D @20mm, f/8, ISO 450

    Bern, Switzerland, 2010, Nikkor AF 20-35/f2.8D @35mm, f/8, ISO 280


    JPG, 2.0 MB, uploaded by mma2 2 years ago.


    JPG, 1.4 MB, uploaded by mma2 2 years ago.

  • craftsman70panorama_fish_eye
    14 posts
    2 years ago

    Thanks for the suggestion! Unfortunately, I tried that already. I even took apart the contact area in order to get into the area for better cleaning but still nothing.

  • craftsman70panorama_fish_eye
    14 posts
    2 years ago

    Absolutely which is one of the reasons why I brought it in the first place and the reason why I still have that lens even though it's broken...

  • benhutchpanorama_fish_eye
    42 posts
    2 years ago

    My old push-pull 80-200 2.8, which has the same rotating AF/MF selector ring, did that at one point or another. I forget what I did but somehow or another I messed with it to the point where the camera was always convinced it was set to AF. Of course that's a problem too since the lenses with this type of switch normally mechanically decouple the focusing ring on the lens when in AF mode and then decouple the screwdriver connection inside the lens when in MF mode.

    It's not totally unusable-you just to remember that if you want to use it as an MF lens, you have both set it on the lens(to make the manual focus ring work) and set on the body to tell the camera "hey I really want to be in MF now." It's not a huge deal since IIRC I have to do this anyway on my(properly operating) 180mm f/2.8 and 300mm f/4 but still kind of a pain.

  • TheDavinatorpanorama_fish_eye
    621 posts
    2 years ago

    Here you go, shot with my D700, both with a Heliopan circular polarizer.

    Wengen, Switzerland, 2010, Nikkor AF 20-35/f2.8D Wengen, Switzerland, 2010, Nikkor AF 20-35/f2.8D @20mm, f/8, ISO 450

    Bern, Switzerland, 2010, Nikkor AF 20-35/f2.8D Bern, Switzerland, 2010, Nikkor AF 20-35/f2.8D @35mm, f/8, ISO 280


    Nice. Beautiful photos.

  • aaly70panorama_fish_eye
    21 posts
    2 years ago

    As one of the replies mentioned might be the A/M ring need to be checked, I checked mine and when the lens is not mounted and set to AF the focus ring does not move, I assume the ring is not set properly to AF were the camera sense it and therefore no AF is initiated

  • mdluceropanorama_fish_eye
    6 posts
    2 years ago

    I also have the 20-35....I can't get myself to let it go even if I have replaced it with other WA lenses such as the 20mm 1.8 and the 16-35mm f4. The thing is a "tank" and performs fairly well even though it is a bit soft at the edges. At normal enlargement and viewing distances it does fine...

    You may be interested in taking a look at Ken Rockwell's unscientific 24mm comparison. Stopped down, the edge sharpness gets much better.

    I used to have the 35-70 f2.8 as well. They were a good pair to carry around.


  • XRaypanorama_fish_eye
    159 posts
    2 years ago

    I've never tried one of those but both shots are very nice. And being screw drive AF, it's damn near immortal. I'd say that thing is a bargain.

  • mma2panorama_fish_eye
    6 posts
    2 years ago

    Thank you!
    While I now have Z lenses of similar focal lengths, I still enjoy the rendering of these older F mount lenses. Not every image looks "better" with today's modern Z S-Line rendering (e.g. usually sharper in the areas farther away from the center). I still have my D700, this 20-35/f2.8D and the 35-70/f2.8D that I paired it with for past vacation travels. Still amazed at the IQ when I shoot them today. Highly recommended if you can find good copies.

  • craftsman70panorama_fish_eye
    14 posts
    2 years ago

    The 35-70mm f/2.8 is probably the most under-rated f/2.8 zoom lens Nikon made in the past few decades. I love that lens for interior wedding shots as the focal length is about perfect for a medium-sized church with the speed that is usually needed for those types of environments.

  • aaly70panorama_fish_eye
    21 posts
    2 years ago

    Just a few sample from the lens with D800 today at the Egyptian Museum, no correction at all just exported via LR to JPEG at max 4 mega all handheld




    JPG, 3.3 MB, uploaded by aaly70 2 years ago.


    JPG, 3.9 MB, uploaded by aaly70 2 years ago.


    JPG, 3.0 MB, uploaded by aaly70 2 years ago.

  • aaly70panorama_fish_eye
    21 posts
    2 years ago

    Some more




    JPG, 2.8 MB, uploaded by aaly70 2 years ago.


    JPG, 2.8 MB, uploaded by aaly70 2 years ago.

  • primeshooterpanorama_fish_eye
    217 posts
    2 years ago

    This lens has intrigued me for years, I would like to see some full size samples with it in time if possible. There is also a 17-35 2.8 I believe?