• Members 21 posts
    May 4, 2023, 1:53 p.m.

    Yes the 17-35 has replaced this lens in 1999 I assume were this has been discontinued 2001, I do have the set in full size will try upload it to my Google drive and send you link full size from D800

    I could see it’s still capable to resolve on D800 till now

  • Members 21 posts
    May 4, 2023, 2:29 p.m.
  • Members 217 posts
    May 4, 2023, 8:08 p.m.
  • Members 153 posts
    May 10, 2023, 10:58 p.m.

    I owned both the 35-70 2.8 and the 20-35 2.8, and if I remember correctly, the front barrel rotates on both, so a bitch to get right with a polarizer.

    Also, I'm not a fan of the saying, better to use a prime and take a step or two back or a step or two forward, but with these two lenses you could almost pick a focal length in the middle and do that.

    I ended up not being a fan of either. The 35-70 had de-bonding issues, haze being a telltale sign. Don't recall that being an issue on the 20-35, and I did get a high price when I sold it, as again, if I remember correctly, fellows were using them for video.

  • Members 21 posts
    May 11, 2023, 6:08 a.m.

    As for 35-70mm it indeed rotate the front while focus which is annoying for using polarizer and a lot of copies effected by haze and fog but if and only if you catch a clean one its truly good catch due to the price you pay for it, but something to mention that it flares if the sun or strong light is on the seen and you didn’t take care but again if you have a good clean copy and know it’s limitation it’s a good buy in addition its push and pull design but I don’t mind that specially I still use 70-210mm f4-5.6 D but for the average price of USD 100-120 with good copy it worth it indeed

    As for the 20-35 it’s an IF were it doesn’t rotate or move in and out and normally it’s still much expensive than the 35-70 for a good copy

    Totally agree that primes always and will remain much better but if you are on budget and have a good copy of each you will do quite well for peanut price from 20-70mm and constant f2.8


  • Members 153 posts
    May 11, 2023, 1:23 p.m.

    The 70-210D is also a good budget lens if you want to go above 70. I had two pristine ones, bought for around $100 each. I decided why two? and sold one, then about 4 years ago I put one in the luggage bag of a snowmobile. Very rough trail, riding fast, and totally destroyed the lens, and knocked the command dial of a cheap D2X. Only good part about it was that it wasn't the D850 and 70-200VRII.

    But for anyone reading, an excellent budget lens to pick up. Just get the one with the "D" You need a body with the built in AF motor.

  • Members 21 posts
    May 11, 2023, 2:14 p.m.

    Thank God indeed it wasn’t the D850 and 70-200mm f2.8, mine is the D version in mint condition cost me the equivalent of USD 80 and it’s quite excellent in a proper lighting with my D800, used to have 80-200mm f2.8D (the two ring) used it on D7200 was truly amazing, then had to sell all my gear, when I started from scratch had my current D800 then started to look for decent glass on budget, the 70-210 f4-5.6 D came along to replace my old 80-200 for the range, still thinking in getting another 80-200 though

  • Members 153 posts
    May 15, 2023, 6:19 p.m.

    I had a look around and you can still get the 70-210D for about $100 Cdn, on Ebay, Kijiji (similar to Craigslist) or FB classified. At the 70 end on my D500 it was about the same as a 105 on Fx and it's f4 at 70. Take the grip off the D500 and with the 70-210D it was about as light a body/lens as I've used, so time to look for another D.

  • Members 21 posts
    May 15, 2023, 7:36 p.m.

    Totally agree, it’s quit light lens, it start at f4 and turn f4.5 at 135mm, for walk around very convenient, it worth for the performance through the range at the paid price, as for the D actually all the lenses are initially D even if state G 😂

  • Members 153 posts
    May 15, 2023, 7:43 p.m.

    There's actually an AF 70-210 and an AF-70-210D The D is the one to have. For one, it has faster AF.

  • Members 21 posts
    May 15, 2023, 7:48 p.m.

    Yeah true and indeed it needs to be clarified for the readers 🙏🙏