• Members 16 posts
    April 21, 2023, 4:08 a.m.

    Well, I'll stick my neck out and confess to having an OM5 as apparently no-one else does. Still learning to use it after 3 weeks. A few from our easter holiday in New Zealand.

    The one thing that's doing my head in with the OM5 is getting it to maintain focus while shooting video. It's OK while there is a background with some detail for it to lock on, but with say aircraft against blank sky it has a nasty habit of losing focus then racking through the entire focus range (and never locking). And when I try "manual" focus, well, it isn't manual - the focus won't stay put despite all the settings saying its "MF"...

    The pano was 7 shots handheld and stitched in Affinity.

    One of these days I'll learn how focus stacking works, too.

    Akaroa Pano 3 reduced.jpg

    JPG, 3.6 MB, uploaded by Dabbler on April 21, 2023.


    JPG, 984.8 KB, uploaded by Dabbler on April 21, 2023.

  • Members 16 posts
    April 21, 2023, 4:20 a.m.

    Akaroa bay...

    P4150147 reduced.jpg

    JPG, 1.9 MB, uploaded by Dabbler on April 21, 2023.

  • Members 16 posts
    April 21, 2023, 4:21 a.m.

    Some from the airshow... yes that Bleriot monoplane did fly, and the FW and Spitfire had a bit of a duel going on. Tried to see who was throwing stuff out the back of the RAAF cargo plane, but couldn't quite catch them doing it. And last of all a little Vampire jet, and that was a really fast one.


    JPG, 129.2 KB, uploaded by Dabbler on April 21, 2023.


    JPG, 217.0 KB, uploaded by Dabbler on April 21, 2023.


    JPG, 637.4 KB, uploaded by Dabbler on April 21, 2023.


    JPG, 213.2 KB, uploaded by Dabbler on April 21, 2023.


    JPG, 102.5 KB, uploaded by Dabbler on April 21, 2023.

  • Members 16 posts
    April 21, 2023, 5:18 a.m.

    No birds & bees, but some other stuff... and something else about the OM5. I tried shooting a few of the night sky with it, and discovered the camera is completely blind to red nebulae (H-alpha emissions at 656nm, deep red) and as a result its rendition of some colours is a bit off, notably deep red and purple flowers.

    For the night sky, the ability to autofocus on stars is neat, but little more than a party trick - because without capturing red nebulae you may as well not bother with the OM5. But then I do have a ZWO ASI astrocamera, anyway.


    JPG, 3.1 MB, uploaded by Dabbler on April 21, 2023.


    JPG, 325.6 KB, uploaded by Dabbler on April 21, 2023.

  • Members 4 posts
    April 22, 2023, 1:44 p.m.

    Interesting observation. I've never seen a camera not being able to capture a portion of that ha emissions, even though it's usually a small portion. Any experience with other Olympus in this regard?