• Members 6 posts
    April 1, 2023, 2:02 p.m.

    Dear all,

    I do not know if we need a category for it. However, I am in ON1 since they started. I like their being focussed on the needs of photographers - and there seem to be photographers in the team, as the software is extremely useful and user-friendly build.

    The first years had their problem, but now I work with it and get what I want in high quality.

    Any other users here?

    One problem I have is, that the software seems to slow down after I used it a while. Closing it and opening it, again, helps to go with working.

    There is a button on the right side bottom of the software where I can press "Ready" (at least I think that it would be that expression in English. In my German version there is "Fertig" which means ready/done.

    Could it be that this button would clean the buffer in order to have it free for the next photo? I never use this button as it is not needed to produce the output file.

    Best regards

  • Members 40 posts
    April 2, 2023, 4:58 p.m.

    Dear Holger ,

    I use ON1 myself during last 3 years and very satisfied with it.
    At right under : the ready is not seen , only “ done “.At least in editing module.
    Try to “delete setting” while starting up the app and hold shift key.
    try to see lot of YouTube channels explaining all the features , there are lots of them , amongst ON1 raw themselves , but also Scott Davenport , Jim Nix,.


  • Members 16 posts
    April 3, 2023, 3:23 p.m.


    One issue most editing software seems to have is the amount of space taken up by the cache, add-ons, etc. My understanding is that the 'fertig' button (or 'done' in English) is just to tell the program the file is finished with that section of editing but you are not yet exporting it for some reason.I don't think it will clear the buffer. I think you have to open preferences & clear the cache there. I do this after exporting and saving whatever files I want for longterm.

    If the post-processing category is going to have separate sub-headings as it seems to have started (ie. for Adobe products, Capture 1, DxO, etc) then there should be one for ON1. However the downside to this is the issue of missing items that mention one's favourite software but get posted into a different sub-category. One thing I liked about having the broadly-based 'retouching' category handle posts about all different programs was that one could choose to learn easily about unfamiliar programs by surfing the thread titles and a simple search for one's own program would bring easy access to those.



  • Members 16 posts
    April 3, 2023, 3:39 p.m.
  • Members 16 posts
    April 4, 2023, 10:30 a.m.

    What I would really like to see is a separate category for ON1 Photo RAW .
    I think this is equivalent to Lightroom after all.

  • Members 1 post
    April 5, 2023, 9:01 a.m.

    I agree, I use ON1 for my editing and I think that many others do as well. I would appreciate a separate category for ON1..

  • Members 1 post
    April 5, 2023, 12:36 p.m.

    Hello 2 All, I just registered (another dpreview-refugee), and heartally agree that ON1 category should be created. ON1 Photo Raw 2023 is my primary platform as well. Tho' I'm just an occasional forum participant, I always check what's been lately said about ON1 PR. Let's hope...

  • Members 6 posts
    April 15, 2023, 12:59 a.m.

    I'll also throw in my vote for an On1 category. I've had a love/hate relationship with it since 2017...I love the fact that it tries to be both LR and PS in one non-destructive application. I'm afraid that this is what may be causing it's sluggishness while editing with lots of effects as well. Having a forum to exchange ideas and experiences with On1 has helped.
    I hope this separation of the apps into different categories works out for this forum. My first thought is that I'm gonna miss all the apps conversations thrown into one category. We'll see.
