• Members 73 posts
    April 16, 2023, 10:28 p.m.

    I am almost a pure 'film' guy but see where film is getting expensive and while I still shoot quite a bit, a digital option such as the Pen-F is an option....
    It would appear that much of the work completed after processing on software, is / can be done within the camera, so I find that intriguing for that process is one that will slow down shots and be close to the time/concentration/mind...I place in each of my film shots.

    it does appear that the $'s on these cameras is a bit high..... or they haven't come down. And I see most of them are sold with the kit zoom lens and I prefer primes.... so might look for a deal on camera alone and pick up primes. I have thought of MPB as I have dealt with them prior so that is an option.

    Thoughts on your Pen? .... How many have compared it to the Pen EP-7 which is another newer option that still has the strong Monochrom mode that the Pen-F has...that has been my main desire for the Pen in the first place. The EP-7 doesn't have a ETF which relies solely upon the screen and I doesn't work out too well in sunny climates. So a huge negative. Otherwise, it sounds good but the old Pen-F still ahead...Thoughts? jim

  • Members 5 posts
    April 16, 2023, 11:06 p.m.

    Have you considered the EM10 MIV? It is very similar to the EP-7 but has and EVF. It doesn't look as cool, but it is a workhorse, and very compact. It is also still in production, so that is a plus. I do lust after a Pen-F myself, but the EM10 MIV works for me.

  • Members 143 posts
    April 16, 2023, 11:16 p.m.

    Some stores are still selling brand new E-P5 with 17mm F1.8 kit lens and VF-4 viewfinder. Maybe that is an alternative if you cannot get a Pen F.

  • Members 26 posts
    April 17, 2023, 1:34 p.m.

    I've owned both and currently use the E-P7 as my "casual" camera. The PEN-F is gorgeous, but the EVF really is the only real advantage it has over the E-P7 and unfortunately I didn't like it - there's something about it's refresh rate or the way it operates that felt really unnatural after using the E-M1's for so long. I seem to be alone in this opinion tho.

  • Members 15 posts
    April 17, 2023, 5:40 p.m.

    I am partial to the Olympus Pen cameras and pair them with Olympus primes (12mm f/2, 17mm f/1.8, 25mm f/1.8, 45mm f/1.8 & 75mm f/1.8). I have the E-PM2, two E-P5 cameras and the Pen-F. The E-P5 was my first Olympus camera purchase and I thoroughly enjoyed using it. I mainly used the tilting panel but kept the optional VF-4 EVF in my bag for when I needed it. The VF-4 EVF was very effective but not as convenient as an integrated EVF.

    When the Pen-F was announced, I was determined to skip it as it had a fully articulated (swing out) screen that would not be as useful as the E-P5's tilting screen. My resolve melted away as I examined the photos in the various Pen-F reviews. The Pen-F looked amazing! I think I was hooked by the time I had read about the color profile wheel and its stunning monochrome capability! At that point, the fully articulating screen didn't seem so important. After dragging my feet for what seemed like a year, I purchased the Pen-F. In practice, I still reached for the E-P5 instead of the Pen-F (yes, the tilting screen is a great advantage for photography). It was at least another year before I started to take advantage of the Pen-F's in-camera capabilities. It has taken some time for me to adapt to the Pen-F but I am finally reaching for it over my E-P5.


  • Members 73 posts
    April 17, 2023, 7:24 p.m.

    All interesting stuff..... I am on the fence...Pen F.... Pen E-P7 or EP-5...? pretty close on the latter two as well. Or even the OM-D E-M10 Mark II. One of the major things I like about the Pen F is the monochrom and settings that really allows it to be 'in camera' ...as opposed to post dark room/ light room etc... But I was watching a video today on You Tube that explained how one can get the OM-D E-M10 Mark II (And I assume all OM-D cameras) to mimic the monochrom in the Pen F; at least monochrom mode 1 and 2 (not 3). Here is the Link to Rob Trek's Pen F Monochrom settings on the M10 series:


    While I do enjoy the sleeker look of the Pen-F...I can find better $ deals on the M10 series (all four models). I can save 2x-3x the price of the camera by going to a M10 series, model 2 and a bit less on the model 3. I can capture Monochrom equally on the M10, so I am looking into this. A ton of money that I can put towards a few Lens's.

    On a plus side for the Pen-F...I do like the LCD screen and having the option of not even viewing the screen, (no chipping)....so a leatherette backing and not the LCD. I never use a tilting screen as I just don't use it, ...never did with a few Fuji's I have had. I do tons of street photography and just haven't wanted that option. I do like the placement of the EVF on the Pen-F instead of in the middle as the M10 series has. It appears the Pen-F might be able to use the dials more and have custom mode dials such as C1, C2 etc.... I like that quick set-up. I like the exposure comp dial on the Pen-F on top. The menu system on the Pen-F is cumbersome as opposed to the M10 or later Pen EP5 or 7.

    If one of the newer Pen's such as the EP7 had a EVF....That might be a strong candidate but no EVF is something I prefer to not deal with. I have a Ricoh GR and while it is 'cute' to shoot with the LCD, ,....I find myself feeling more technical and less analog and being a analog man, I prefer the EVF. I realize the EP5 has an option to take an Olympus view finder to the hot shoe, but not sure I want that as it adds a bit of bulk. But that too is an option.

    At the moment I am selling some gear I don't need....so am looking at options for the camera model.

  • Members 2 posts
    April 17, 2023, 9:28 p.m.

    I have a Pen-F. It's the only m43 camera I have now, but I've owned pretty much every Olympus m43 camera since the EM5 (now let me see - E-M5, E-PL5, E-P5, E-M5ii, E-M5iii, EM10, EM10ii, EM1, EM1ii, EM1iii, OM1). I've now mostly moved into Panasonic FF, but I decided to keep the Pen-F along with a few primes (12, 17, 25, 45). It's a very nice camera in many ways. IQ is decent, handling and customisabilty is great, it feels very well made, and it's a pleasure to use. I wouldn't buy any camera now that didn't have an EVF. If I had to choose another current m43 camera to replace the Pen-F, it would be the EM5iii / OM5. In most ways either is a better camera than the Pen-F (CDAF, better EVF, slightly better sensor, faster sensor readout, more modern UI, better IBIS), but the build feels significantly inferior to the Pen-F and the C modes are a joke.

  • Members 73 posts
    April 17, 2023, 9:39 p.m.

    Yes, I think the EM5iii is a bit better looking on top than the ii.... Also, I like your choices of lens...those were the ones I was looking at too! jim

  • Members 26 posts
    April 17, 2023, 9:42 p.m.

    Both the PEN-F and E-P7 have dedicated switches to get into the Monochrom modes tho. IIRC, the PEN-F has two options you can save as presets. You can work around this through custom modes, buttons, etc but I like the idea of having a dedicated switch for it, personally.

    It sounds like you've got your answer here!

  • Members 73 posts
    April 18, 2023, 5:13 a.m.

    I think I have...the Pen-F. All of us have our specific needs as it pertains to the way we shoot and what we value out of a camera.

    I do wonder if the Pen E P7 is a precursor to a newer Pen F ...As mentioned by many, as I read up on the P 7, it is essentially a refined version of the Pen F, minus a EVF. If Olympus placed one on or even the option to use the Olympus EVF add-on, it would surely turn that camera around from a mere Ricoh-type point and shoot (both have excellent quality) to a camera one could really use in bright day light etc.... Too bad they didn't . I hate to put down solid money on a used and over-priced Pen F if a newer version of the P7 comes out. But will the new company place all of their eggs in the Pen or in one of the higher end cameras? Not sure.... depends on what the competition is doing and how successful they are as the market here isn't too strong for these things.

  • Members 1 post
    April 18, 2023, 9:39 a.m.

    I have a Pen F. I think the features stand up pretty well even against my E-M1 Mk III. I'm less fond of the other Pen digital cameras because of the lack of a viewfinder in part, but mainly because the overall package of the Pen F is so complete.

    One aspect of the Pen F that often is overlooked (and, I must admit, I was a bit dismissive of myself initially) is the front control wheel. The ability to go into another mode such as monochrome or artistic colour just by turning the wheel is actually really useful.

  • Members 280 posts
    April 18, 2023, 9:51 a.m.

    There was also a Pen F that took film. 18x24mm images. Reflex viewing.

    I wish camera companies would not use the same name for two different cameras.


  • Members 26 posts
    April 18, 2023, 11:03 a.m.

    They've indicated that a smaller camera is coming, but hard to know what that means exactly. Personally, I think they have an opportunity to succeed in the same market the Fuji X100V is currently seeing a lot of success. Some thing stylish, with photos that look cool right out of the camera (film modes) and provides an experience that is distinctly different from a smartphone. The younger generation is looking for that. If they lean into what makes some cameras different than a smartphone then an EVF (or, even more different, the hybrid OVF of the Fuji X100) makes a ton of sense since that's something no smartphone can provide.

    So, here's what I feel like they should come up with (but this is purely me speculating/hoping)...
    1. PEN-F-style body/controls
    2. Same/similar quality EVF as OM-5 (to keep costs down)
    3. Same sensor/processing/AF from OM-5
    4. Normal/film/B&W switch - perhaps with stronger "film related" branding
    5. Weather sealed (to lean into their current take-it-with-you-anywhere marketing)
    6. New weather sealed prime (updated 17/1.8?)
    7. Same price as OM-5, or slightly cheaper

  • Members 73 posts
    April 18, 2023, 3:31 p.m.

    No doubt the key is to know what the younger generation wants..... That is what dictates marketing instead of us older folks. I know from talking with people that the retro film feel is here and has been with us for quite some time. If Olympus can concentrate on getting 'that feel' and do so Digital, like they have in their cameras, it is a pure winner. Also yes, what can they come up with that separates them from the smartphone. People want that too. Good suggestions....will see what they come up with, jim

  • Members 143 posts
    April 18, 2023, 3:52 p.m.

    Pen F style with lots of physical dials could have a lot of appeal to the smartphone generation. Think also of a 25mm f1.8 II with an MF clutch. Something like their smartphone but also much more than their smartphone at the same time. It seems like wasted opportunity to me, and judging from the new name, the OM System not likely to ever take advantage.

  • Members 15 posts
    April 18, 2023, 10:48 p.m.

    One of the major things I like about the Pen F is the monochrom and settings that really allows it to be 'in camera' ...as opposed to post dark room/ light room etc...

    Yes it looks good in comments and reviews not so in practice, likes all digital colour cameras monochrome results are better when post processed but they are a nice guide if you have a film camera with you.
    One aspect of the Pen F that is annoying is that if you manual focus in a monochrome setting and use MF assist eg peaking the screen or vf reverts to colour while manual focusing once you stop it reverts to b&w.
    The Pen F to me is ok it is my go to digital along with two primes but I have had mine since it came out in 2023 I wouldn't buy one and look elsewhere eg. Fuji x100v and wait until they become plentiful or a used Leica q or q2. Then you could be brave and get a pixii.fr/
    If you are desperate for a mark II Pen F you will be crossing your legs for a long time and end up with a leg version of lockjaw

  • Members 73 posts
    April 19, 2023, 12:34 a.m.

    I like that...'leg version of lock jaw'...

    You know...I hear you about the apparent *ease *of 'in camera' as opposed to darkroom. I borrowed a Leica Monochrom from someone for a week or so and while I was used to the controls/menu, the entire process of just dealing with the controls was enough to make the shoot ungainly and awkward. I have / had a rough feeling that the Pen, while 'on paper'....has the ability to have 'In camera processing'.....it might be just too messy to really make it comfortable doing in practice.

    So that begs this:.... one can obtain the same monochrom effect in post processing, and while you don't have that intangible feel of processing 'in camera', it might be far more practical. Then, it comes down to....if I can get the same monochrom effect in post processing with just about any camera, why bother with an expensive used Pen-F.... ?

  • Members 26 posts
    April 19, 2023, 3:22 a.m.

    That's the thing for me - using SnapSeed on my phone is so second nature that I don't really care about the in-camera film mode stuff. I sometimes will shoot in monochrome just so I can accurately gauge the exposure, but I typically will do additional processing in SnapSeed.






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    JPG, 1.8 MB, uploaded by SamBennett on April 19, 2023.


    JPG, 1.4 MB, uploaded by SamBennett on April 19, 2023.


    JPG, 1.8 MB, uploaded by SamBennett on April 19, 2023.