• Members 675 posts
    Oct. 6, 2024, 11:01 a.m.

    Can a host of the individual thread reverse this rule? I understand that this rule is void in the threads like "Edit me image". But what about "C&C" threads?

  • Members 3520 posts
    Oct. 6, 2024, 11:13 a.m.

    Alan said if permission is implicit in the thread's rules then it is ok for people to edit other people's images.

    He gave the Edit Me An Image thread as an example where the permission is implicit as it currently also is in the c&c thread's.

    The thread starter post in the c&c threads clearly states that by posting images in that thread permission is given for anyone to edit the image.

    Those that do not want their images edited are instructed in the starter post to post something like

    "Please do not edit this image"

    in the post.

  • Members 675 posts
    Oct. 6, 2024, 11:29 a.m.

    "Edit me image" is a specific thread dedicated to editing one particular image, not just any image at will. Read my question. It is quite specific. And I am waiting on the answer from admin.

  • Members 3520 posts
    Oct. 6, 2024, 11:31 a.m.

    Your question was answered very clearly in the quote by Alan above.

    The c&c threads start with -

    meaning people can edit other people's images in those threads by default unless the image owner instructs in their post that their image must not be edited.

    Alan"s rule clearly states the above is allowed.

    But sure, wait for Alan to reply.

    In the mean time you can post "Do not edit this image" along with your images.

    It seems to me you are trying to impose your preference onto those who are happy for others to edit their images.

    You have the option in the c&c threads to instruct people to not edit your images.

    In any case obviously anyone can still download the images or retrieve them from their browser's cache and edit or do what they like with them except repost them in the thread.

    Uploading images to the www is in effect donating them for free to anyone who wants them for whatever reason.

  • Members 675 posts
    Oct. 6, 2024, 12:08 p.m.

    This was before the new rule has been implemented. Thus is my question if host of the individual thread can reverse this rule. BTW in the "Edit me image" OP specially asked to edit his image. I am done to argue with you and will be waiting on Allan's answer.

  • Members 3520 posts
    Oct. 6, 2024, 12:13 p.m.

    Maybe English isn't your native language because Alan"s rule clearly states that the op of a thread can set a rule as Roel has in his c&c threads.

    No-one, even Roel in his c&c threads, is forcing anyone to give permission for others to edit their images without permission.

    Even in the c&c threads members are able to revoke the implicit permission in the starter post as described earlier.

  • Members 1015 posts
    Oct. 6, 2024, 12:22 p.m.

    If you mean can a C&C type host declare that no editing is allowed, I would assume the answer to be yes. If I understand you correctly and I am right, sorry to be late to the party and pages of web space wasted in futile argument...

  • Members 3520 posts
    Oct. 6, 2024, 12:27 p.m.

    Of course the c&c host can say no editing is allowed just as he can say editing is allowed unless the image owner posts something like "Do not edit this image" which is the current situation for the c&c threads.

    Why not have two c&c threads?

    One where the default is editing is allowed and another where by default editing is not allowed.

    Members can then choose which they prefer to post images in.

  • Members 675 posts
    Oct. 6, 2024, 12:27 p.m.

    According to the new rule editing is not allowed without permission. Thus my question.

  • Members 3520 posts
    Oct. 6, 2024, 12:31 p.m.

    But permission is implicit in the c&c threads which Alan's rule says is allowed.

    Implicit does not mean the permission is mandatory.

    Anyone can revoke the implicit permission by posting "Do not edit this image" in their post.

  • Members 3520 posts
    Oct. 6, 2024, 12:36 p.m.

    Permission has always been required. To say it's a new rule is just not true.

    But the permission is allowed to be implicit in the thread as Alan's rule states and is the case in the c&c threads.

  • Members 1015 posts
    Oct. 6, 2024, 1:03 p.m.

    Unless the poster gives explicit permission to do so, or the thread (e.g. a competition) starter post says it's OK to do so, then please do NOT edit other peoples images.

    So if the poster gives explicit permission, yes the rule may be reversed. What Alan means by starter post, is e.g. the preamble at the start of the Weekly C&C where Roel says people can edit, with the rider "unless a poster asks for no editing".

  • Members 3520 posts
    Oct. 6, 2024, 1:05 p.m.

    Yes, that is exactly what I have been saying since the start of this thread 👍👍🙂
    and is consistent with Alan"s rule.

    Editing by default is allowed in the c&c threads according to Alan"s rule but the image owner can revoke that default on a post by post basis as described earlier.

  • Members 1015 posts
    Oct. 6, 2024, 1:11 p.m.

    Yes, but you have this wonderful manner of coming across as God and all shall bow down to your excellence. People don't like it so we see page after page of threads being moved to the dumpster.

  • Members 3520 posts
    Oct. 6, 2024, 1:17 p.m.

    Bryan, you are a proven liar because you are still running away from posting any links to dpreview challenges or entries within them you claimed danhasleftforum rigged the voting on them.

    Consequently what you think means zero to most people.

    In any case, in this thread you posted what I posted much earlier on anyway so you yourself are contributing to pages and pages of repeated posts.

  • Members 1015 posts
    Oct. 6, 2024, 1:24 p.m.

    OMG, it just doesn't stop... It's like a machine programmed to continue on no matter how many times the workers hit the big red stop button. Or a terminator sent from the future or something...

  • Members 1494 posts
    Oct. 6, 2024, 1:29 p.m.


    "For this site, let's make it clear. Unless the poster gives explicit permission to do so, or the thread (e.g. a competition) starter post says it's OK to do so, then please do NOT edit other peoples images."

    Seems pretty clear. Danhasleftforums, or rather David as he is really called, as well as anybody else, must stop editing other peoples work without permission.

  • Members 3520 posts
    Oct. 6, 2024, 1:30 p.m.

    I will be happy to stop when you post links to dpreview challenges and entries you claim dsnhasleftforum rigged the voting in and Nigel V posts some proof that danhasleftforum stole an image from lambertj at dpreview and posted it here.

    Deal? 😀

  • Members 3520 posts
    Oct. 6, 2024, 1:33 p.m.

    That has always been the case but the permission is implicit in the c&c threads so according to Alan"s rule editing is allowed by default in the c&c threads unless the image owner revokes it as shown earlier.