• k3slspanorama_fish_eye
    4 posts
    2 years ago

    Why would Canon reverse the direction of the R8 power switch? With the exception of the R6 & R8, all other R series switches power on by moving switch up or away (counterclockwise). With the R6 & R8 you move the switch down or towards you (clockwise) to power on.
    Yeah…maybe I'm nitpicking…but it's a simple ergonomic consistency failure on Canon's part!

  • AlastairNorcrosspanorama_fish_eye
    27 posts
    2 years ago

    Interesting. In all these years, I hadn't actually noticed that before. I've just checked various cameras, and you seem to be right. My R7, M6II, M6, 20D, all turn on by moving the switch counterclockwise (or away), but my R6II has the opposite direction. Given that I always turn off my camera when I'm not using it, I simply move the switch in whichever direction it will turn to turn it on.

  • k3slspanorama_fish_eye
    4 posts
    2 years ago

    Add the M5, M50, 5D series and even the old 10D to the counterclockwise group. Just seems the R8 and R6 are an odd departure from what was the norm. We have an R7, R5, R10, and a R50. The R8 I have on order will be the odd duck. Not an earth shattering problem…more of a gnatty annoyance.

  • MarshallGpanorama_fish_eye
    141 posts
    2 years ago

    I don’t understand photographers who have issues with the placement or set up of the power switch. You can turn the camera on and the battery will last all day. The camera uses about the same power in Standby as it does with Power Off, so just keep it turned on all day long, except when changing lenses.

  • k3slspanorama_fish_eye
    4 posts
    2 years ago

    Ergonomics and muscle memory have little to do with a response regarding power efficiency. My concern is about fumbling with a switch while rotating use between R5, R7, R8, and R10 models. Again, while not a major issue, you would think there would be some level of consistency through a series of bodies. Perhaps we should be happy Canon puts the shutter button in the same location on similar bodies? ;-)

  • MarshallGpanorama_fish_eye
    141 posts
    2 years ago

    We should be unhappy that Canon has not given us zebra stripes in Stills mode. How hard can it be? The camera already does it in video mode.

  • JCR67panorama_fish_eye
    3 posts
    2 years ago

    My R6 and R7 power switches both turn on in the same direction, counterclockwise. Am I missing something here?

  • k3slspanorama_fish_eye
    4 posts
    2 years ago

    The R8 rotates in the opposite direction.

  • JCR67panorama_fish_eye
    3 posts
    2 years ago

    Oh ok, the original post said R6 and R8. I looked at a photo of the R8 and see the difference. It is strange that they wouldn't keep the basic functions consistent throughout the lineup.