I know I replied to your post, but my post wasn't referring to anything you said, specifically. However, I will address what I think you have said. Apologies if I get this wrong, but I believe you are saying that for you your opinion is as good as anyone else's opinion. OK, sure. In fact, I'll go one further: for you, your opinion matters more, 'cause even if you agree with what someone else says, you're just changing your opinion in their direction, so, in the end, it's still your opinion that matters.
But, what I think others are saying is, if you knew what they did -- not if you had their aesthetics -- but if you knew what they did about art, would you still have the same opinion? For example, let's say someone knowledgeable about art criticizes one of my photos and I totally disagree. But would I have disagreed if I knew what they did about art? Well, we'll never know, 'cause I don't know what they know, and I probably never will. But if I did, would I still disagree?
I think that's the point being made: others' opinions may matter more than yours, because others are more educated in art than you. It doesn't mean their opinions mean more to you, but to the "readership", they mean more. For example, I'm pretty good at math and physics. If I were arguing with someone ignorant in math or physics about something that deals with math or physics, my take matters more than theirs. Not to them (which is unfortunately way to obvious in current society), but to the readership, yes, it does. It doesn't mean I'm necessarily right (I thought I made a mistake once, but the mistake was thinking I had made a mistake, so... 😁), it just means that because I'm educated and work in that field, my opinion carries more weight than someone not educated and not working in that field.
And so it is for criticism in art. The opinion of someone educated in the field carries more weight. It doesn't mean they are right. It doesn't mean you have to agree. It just means their opinion has more "oomph" behind it than yours. For example, I'm not going to agree with a trained climatologist who says Global Warming is a hoax. But their opinion on the matter carries more weight than mine -- even though they're wrong. 😁
So, if someone is just posting photos for praise, I think they should say something like "Kind comments only, please!" Otherwise, the default should be that people can give their honest criticism, right or wrong. But the photographer is under no obligation to accept said criticism. And I think this is actually in line with what you've been saying, more or less. Again, if I got it wrong, my apologies.