And I allow myself (amateur) to explain to a person unfamiliar with sizes and wondering about my m43/mFT equipment that it is a bit like the old analog Olympus 1/2 frame cameras. Like a Pen F from yesteryear, it will not deliver as e.g. yesteryear's Nikon FM2 did. However, what is expected? A 4x5, an 8x10? 1/2 frame long ago would not disappoint, and mFT nowadays does neither.
Main advantage of the smaller equipment is lesser weight and for lenses mostly lesser costs (and then some). But then also a caveat, in low light my mFT won't be able to shoot as fast as a full frame which will matter when the object is in motion., yeah, well, I get to hear, a smartphone is probably all that one needs. I nod except when the interlocutor shows a certain interest in photography beyond smartphonix. Then I point her or him to discussions as all the above and links inclusive.
So, thanks for this thread!