I carry a box of individually wrapped fruit and bran bars in the car, Andrew. That keeps me from buying fast food, which I like. Organic smashed fruit, no sugar, but still sweet from fruit juice added, wrapped in whole bran which is very crumbly and a mess to try to eat while driving. They will put lead in your pencil 🫣 and they have unanimous approval from horses, mules, and jackasses for decades.
Yes, I;'m down, too. At least I have a likely ending date for what's eating me. It just isn't that way with medical, I know. I wonder if Mrs. D is having pain, infections, or both. I also wonder if those joints are made in carbon fiber. I have a chicken egg size bubble on the outside of my right knee right now. I walked too much today and it got bigger. Almost all of the people I know who've had knee replacement had it successfully. But I have always had a bad feeling about it and didn't get it when recommended, 20 years ago. If I live long enough I'll be sorry. Just remember my motto. 'If nothing hurts, you're dead.' and that is not a joke, I say it to myself more and more often. Dark humor is better than no humour.
Eighth grade, eh? I remember the girl with the best legs in the eighth grade. Her name was Maddie. She was tall and I was always gratified to regard the way her legs reached all the way to the ground.
I made almost 1200 pictures today. Lots of pro capture and sequential with birds and the wind was intermittently still at the gardens I visited so I went crazy with focus stacking. (I have a stool for focus stacking now, or I'd quit it, too.) I hope I end up with less than 500.
We have different photographic practice. I take my camera every time I leave and put it on the floor inside the car. I will even shoot out the window then crop to what I want.
Coming back from Oregon last month. On a two lane part of The Pacific Coast Highway in Redwood National Park. Single vehicle accident, no injury. Big truck just went around the corner too fast and tipped over. Very lucky no other vehicles near. I had to wait for an hour so I knew no injuries before I drove past. A cop yelled at me for distracted driving as I drove by with the camera up high. I did not flip him off, but I wanted to.

And one from today. I used to get one like this once in a while. Pro capture changed that. Rich