As you'll know there seems to be two main contenders for collecting the outpouring of members from DPR : here - DPRevived and DPR Clone.
From what I can see more people are arriving at DPR Clone, this is unfortunate as because it's a sister-site of many other photo forum sites it seems rather resistant to change, plus its other sister photo-forum sites create a fragmented and confusing approach.
There's a couple of reasons why I initially preferred DRP Clone (and I think the reason why many currently do) :
better use of screen space, the post windows are wider, the margins within are narrower, gaps between posts are thinner, etc. it all adds up to presenting information more efficiently, quicker on the eye, and less scrolling up down required - not a lot but it makes a big difference.
writing posts is done in a rich-text editor not plain text.
So I'd suggest to capture as many DPR members as possible, now, the post windows are made wider and margins smaller (the margin between the poster's name/logo and their message is currently a huge waste of space), everything generally tightened up in a wider window. And very importantly, rich-text ability when writing posts is essential (then drop the extra step of checking a preview).
Apologies if the above two have already been mentioned or are in the works!
After that, implementing a thread view would clinch it. DPR Clone is currently very reluctant to code that despite many requests already (from myself and others). If you offered a thread view (soon) I think you'd get the majority of DPR members en-mass - if they haven't settled in too much on the 'other side'.
Good luck!