• Members 369 posts
    March 31, 2023, 5:37 a.m.

    I'm passionate about wildlife photography. Part of that is doing my part when out in the field to treat my subjects with respect and to model good practices when I'm with other nature photography enthusiasts. I just started a thread in the Nature and Wildlife forum to share links to the Audubon Guide to Ethical Bird Photography and to the Nature Photography Network's Code of Conduct.

    I've started this thread, here, to request that the thread in the Nature and Wildlife form be pinned at the top for others to see and to suggest that, where relevant, similar threads with links to accepted codes of conduct or ethics be pinned in forums for the various genres.

    If DPRevived has a goal of becoming a place all photographers can come to for guidance, support, and answers to questions about photography, I think we should do our part to promote accepted ethical practices. I'm not asking for regular Sunday sermons. But if there is a recognized code of conduct for a particular genre, let's post a link to it and pin that at the top of the forum so others can be exposed to it.

    Thank you for considering this request and suggestion.