lines 2229 and 2230:
# Wikipedia: BrightnessValue = Bv = Av + Tv - Sv
# ExifTool: LightValue = LV = Av + Tv - Sv + 5 (5 is the Sv for ISO 100 in Exif usage)
lines 4472 .. 4484:
LightValue => {
Notes => q{
calculated LV = 2 * log2(Aperture) - log2(ShutterSpeed) - log2(ISO/100);
similar to exposure value but normalized to ISO 100
Require => {
0 => 'Aperture',
1 => 'ShutterSpeed',
2 => 'ISO',
ValueConv => 'Image::ExifTool::Exif::CalculateLV($val[0],$val[1],$prt[2])',
PrintConv => 'sprintf("%.1f",$val)',
lines 5069 .. 5083
# Calculate LV (Light Value)
# Inputs: 0) Aperture, 1) ShutterSpeed, 2) ISO
# Returns: LV value (and converts input values to floating point if necessary)
sub CalculateLV($$$)
local $_;
# do validity checks on arguments
return undef unless @_ >= 3;
foreach (@_) {
return undef unless $_ and /([+-]?(?=\d|\.\d)\d*(\.\d*)?([Ee]([+-]?\d+))?)/ and $1 > 0;
$_ = $1; # extract float from any other garbage
# (A light value of 0 is defined as f/1.0 at 1 second with ISO 100)
return log($_[0] * $_[0] * 100 / ($_[1] * $_[2])) / log(2);
I know apps do show only some tags of all of them. I used exiv2.
ExifToolGUI is only for Windows or Mac. But I found another tool called exif.
With it I get one interesting info: Brightness |4,73 EV (91,05 cd/m^2).
Is that the same value as Light Value in your picture?
At least it is a metric value which is better to understand than luminance in cd/ft2) in
Still I can not get FOV or CoC or Hyperfocal Distance, which were interesting things to know too.
Edit. Iliah posted when I was writing. I guess this is the answer to my question:
The CoC is an assumption that determines the Hyperfocal distance, so if I use a CoC of .02 mm (which I do) then the hyperfocal distance increases and the DOF decreases. FOV is also based on the format used, which on many cameras is selectable and that is in the EXIF data too, but that doesn't take into account that often photos are cropped versions of the original.
I may have applied EC, though when using Auto-ISO I usually don't. Since it was in Manual Exposure mode I think the EC doesn't show up in the EXIF data (I can't find it here or in a couple of other files I looked at).