• kgwhitepanorama_fish_eye
    188 posts
    2 years ago

    Latest in a series of self portraits.



    JPG, 651.9 KB, uploaded by kgwhite 2 years ago.

  • honeybzpanorama_fish_eye
    251 posts
    2 years ago

    Very interesting self portrait. How did you achieve this?

  • kgwhitepanorama_fish_eye
    188 posts
    2 years ago

    Thanks for your comment. The original head shot is a reflection in my computer monitor captured about a year ago. It has been processed into several versions from straight to heavily manipulated. This highly textured image was produced a few weeks ago by compositing two versions of the image one of which was processed using the audio editor Audacity. I composited that version with a photograph of bubble trapped in a glass ball which I made last night.

    Just experiments really. Probably could have done the whole thing using Midjourney in fifteen minutes but where is the fun in that?

    Here is a B&W version of the image processed using a Nik custom preset.



    JPG, 787.0 KB, uploaded by kgwhite 2 years ago.