• petrochemistpanorama_fish_eye
    208 posts
    2 years ago

    These days I mainly shoot false colour IR, but many prefer the B&W look which was about all I could manage before I had a converted body. So we should have a thread for them:

    Here's a hand held panorama shot via a 720 filter on a stock K100d

    Infra red Panorama by Mike Kanssen, on Flickr

  • royphotogpanorama_fish_eye
    27 posts
    2 years ago

    I love it, I have a converted canon powershot G12 and while I do like color IR for it almost infinite possibilities, I do tend to like B&W better.

  • BarbaraJpanorama_fish_eye
    1 post
    2 years ago

    Lovely shot. Still working out which reply button :D)

  • petrochemistpanorama_fish_eye
    208 posts
    2 years ago

    Thanks Barbara,
    FWIW I only see a reply button lower right of posts which seems to work fine on both the computers I use for the forum (this Windows laptop & my Linux based Raspberry Pi at home)
    Edit - Now I've seen the ones at the top & extreme bottom which reply to the thread (no quote)

  • petrochemistpanorama_fish_eye
    208 posts
    2 years ago

    Thanks Roy, this shot was taken with a unmodified camera which can only manage IR with 720nm & longer filters (or the visual portion completely obscures any IR) so has limited options for false colour.
    After my initial experiments with the K100d, I tried a cheap Sony DSC V1 which gave IR in nightshot mode (provided the filter adapter wasn't screwed in all the way)

    nightshot ir DSC00575a by Mike Kanssen, on Flickr

    The limitations of that soon persuaded me to splash out on a pre-converted Panasonic GF2 that was reasonably cheap on e-bay due to cosmetic damage.
    I've used it in both monochrome & false colour images

    Dereham from the windmill by Mike Kanssen, on Flickr
    Despite the lack of a built in viewfinder That camera fed my IR bug for over 5 years, and it still gets outing occasionally when my converted A7ii is too bulky/heavy.

    The added weight of FF has meant I've not always had IR filters with me when IR subjects pop up. Fortunately it seems a variable ND at it's darkest setting makes a reasonable substitute for a 850nm filter:

    PK 28mm vari ND by Mike Kanssen, on Flickr

    I find it's not just in infra red that B&W can have an extra impact, but as yet I've not really made enough of the option of converting to monochrome. Even shooting predominately in JPEG I prefer to shoot in a colour mode & convert to B&W afterwards. Like false colour IR it just increases the options to emphasize the parts that caught your eye.

  • jomanpanorama_fish_eye
    164 posts
    2 years ago


    Old Whitesville Schoolhouse Yard, South Carolina.


    JPG, 653.4 KB, uploaded by joman 2 years ago.

  • jomanpanorama_fish_eye
    164 posts
    2 years ago


    Old Santee Canal, South Carolina.


    JPG, 405.9 KB, uploaded by joman 2 years ago.

  • jomanpanorama_fish_eye
    164 posts
    2 years ago


    Cathedral of St. John the Baptist, Charleston, South Carolina.


    JPG, 389.2 KB, uploaded by joman 2 years ago.

  • HaroldC3panorama_fish_eye
    40 posts
    2 years ago

    A few I've shot this year. I tend to shoot 590nm and convert to B&W using Silver Efex Pro 2.


    JPG, 3.8 MB, uploaded by HaroldC3 2 years ago.


    JPG, 2.6 MB, uploaded by HaroldC3 2 years ago.


    JPG, 2.3 MB, uploaded by HaroldC3 2 years ago.


    JPG, 2.0 MB, uploaded by HaroldC3 2 years ago.


    JPG, 2.2 MB, uploaded by HaroldC3 2 years ago.

    IMG_2181 1-2560px.jpg

    JPG, 2.4 MB, uploaded by HaroldC3 2 years ago.


    JPG, 2.4 MB, uploaded by HaroldC3 2 years ago.

    _DSF2812 1-2560px.jpg

    JPG, 2.1 MB, uploaded by HaroldC3 2 years ago.

  • petrochemistpanorama_fish_eye
    208 posts
    2 years ago

    Some really dramatic skies there!
    IR is always good for skies, but I don't think I've got anything that matches those.

  • jomanpanorama_fish_eye
    164 posts
    2 years ago


    Magnolia Gardens, South Carolina.


    JPG, 497.2 KB, uploaded by joman 2 years ago.

  • jomanpanorama_fish_eye
    164 posts
    2 years ago


    Charleston, South Carolina.


    JPG, 459.5 KB, uploaded by joman 2 years ago.

  • jomanpanorama_fish_eye
    164 posts
    2 years ago


    Summerville, South Carolina.


    JPG, 564.6 KB, uploaded by joman 2 years ago.

  • jomanpanorama_fish_eye
    164 posts
    2 years ago


    Magnolia Gardens Rice Field, South Carolina.


    JPG, 511.2 KB, uploaded by joman 2 years ago.

  • JimKassonpanorama_fish_eye
    1738 posts
    2 years ago


    GFX 50R. LifePixel modded, 950 nm filter, Rodenstock 180mm/f/5.6 HR Digaron.


    JPG, 108.1 KB, uploaded by JimKasson 2 years ago.

  • petrochemistpanorama_fish_eye
    208 posts
    2 years ago

    Very nice Jim!

  • Athenapanorama_fish_eye
    118 posts
    2 years ago

    Here's one from the Stanley Park seawall in Vancouver. Full spectrum camera and shot with a Blue/IR filter but the colour conversion wasn't working for me so I went for a monochrome treatment.



    JPG, 997.7 KB, uploaded by Athena 2 years ago.

  • HaroldC3panorama_fish_eye
    40 posts
    2 years ago

    Let it rain, let it rain...
    Canon EOS M6, 590nm, SilverEfexPro2



    JPG, 2.0 MB, uploaded by HaroldC3 2 years ago.