• Members 18 posts
    April 22, 2023, 10:08 a.m.


    I have spent enormous time in front of my computer tuning some styles for Capture One, partly out of curiosity and partly, well, as a part of my hobby. I have shared them freely through couple of my websites in an effort to spark the community to share DIY styles for Capture One. I thought, why not share them here, maybe a forum is better place for sharing and discussing DIY-styles.

    I don't claim them to be perfect, but I have tried to make my styles balanced and as useful as possible. Some of them are based on a real film look and I have tried to emulate them according to my (hopefully) increasing abilities with Capture One, but they always are a bit of a compromise. My aim is not matching the film perfectly but get the aesthetics/look as close as possible. I only use the color wheel to adjust the styles (even in black and white styles that try to emulate the luminosity of different colors) so I am not touching different color curves. For tone curves I usually use linear curve.

    The styles are downloadable as zip-files from my Google Drive as I do not know other places to store the files.

    I hope someone finds these shared styles useful, but I also hope to get ideas to improve them or generate new ones in the future. And I want to encourage others to make and share their own DIY-styles or perhaps fine-tune the ones I share here. And if you find some of these useful, why not show us some photos processed with them.

    As an additional note, these are meant to be used for raw-files, not on top of a jpeg-file.

    About the shared style:

    I have extensively searched through the internet to find inspiration for different kind of looks. I accidentally found a good reference for the very old film Fujifilm NHG II 800 and tried how it would look as a Capture One -style. This style is not emulating the film totally, I wanted the colorscape, not total match to the film like leaving it without grain.

    The style through my process is quite un-contrasty, though not totally flat. It seems more warm than other Fuji films I have tried to emulate. I like the look, for example skin tones looks intense but a bit soft (uncontrasty) but most skin tones looks beautiful with this style.

    There are very little reference available for this film as it is so old. And most examples are from expired film. I would say very few images available show how beautiful this film could be if still available. I hope this style "resurrects" the look to be used in modern times. :-) And even if I could not make a total match this style could be useful as it is.

    The link to the style is here:
    Fujifilm NHG II 800

    Fujifilm NHG II 800 VZA_5373
    by Veijo, on Flickr

    Fujifilm NHG II 800 VZA_0369
    by Veijo, on Flickr

    Fujifilm NHG II 800 VMF58432
    by Veijo, on Flickr