• PanHandlepanorama_fish_eye
    7 posts
    2 years ago

    I am trying to figure out a polite and efficient way to share large images, as most of my MF Pans are quite big, and sometimes it is fun to see all the detail.

    I fully understand that servers and websites cost money, so I am thinking that posting links to full image makes sense.

    Right now, I am trying PhotoBucket, which will let me post images up to 200Mb on the "Pro" Plan, three times what DPR allowed, which should be plenty if I compress images as JPEGs.

    It appears that the default size for sharing images however is only 1920X1800. The PhotoBucket FAQ says if I choose to embed a link, and then edit the height and width limits in the link in HTML, I can choose to share any size I want. I would like interested people to be able to download the full image, I am not making money from these, and so not worried about protecting them. When I try out sending such an edited link to myself by email, it kinda sorta seems to work.

    Very interested to hear what folks recommend as the best Photo Sharing Site and approach for sharing large images, and whether the method I am suggesting of sharing a link as described above would make sense on this site?

    Thanks for your guidance!

    Nathan in N Ireland

  • PanHandlepanorama_fish_eye
    7 posts
    2 years ago

    OK, trying now what should (hopefully) be a link to a full-sized image on PhotoBucket. This is a vertical pan I made on Saturday of a lovely stained glass window from the Arts and Crafts Master Harry Clarke, in Timoleague outside Cork. Should be ca 11K X 13K, and no killing anybody's servers if this linking approach works!


    You should see a cloud icon on the upper right where you can download the original image as a high quality JPEG.

    Best regards,

  • Rich42panorama_fish_eye
    839 posts
    2 years ago


    The link simply goes to the main PhotoBucket page, encouraging sign-up there.


  • Lewiedudepanorama_fish_eye
    19 posts
    2 years ago


  • AlainCh2panorama_fish_eye
    535 posts
    2 years ago

    I personally use Dropbox, and even here it works fine.


    Right-Click on it "Open in new Tab" and it will download my full jpeg pics... so far only the forum image is limited if you post links.



    PNG, 810.0 KB, uploaded by AlainCh2 2 years ago.

  • reddottpanorama_fish_eye
    21 posts
    2 years ago


    I use a Flickr account. You can just your photos on that site. If you click on you photo there is a share button (looks like a curved arrow) you'll see four choices across the top - Share, Embed, Email and BBcode. If you click BBcode a drop down menu appears where you can select size. You pick one and the appropriate link appears. Just copy that and paste within your reply and the image will appear in your post. Example below.


    B0000653-1 by reddott2012, on Flickr

  • minnievpanorama_fish_eye
    1859 posts
    2 years ago

    I just use a free dropbox account to share links to larger files. Most family/friends are well satisfied with downsized jpeg versions but sometimes I want to share big panos or multilayered PSD files with photography friends and then I put them in dropbox, send a link, and take them down some time later when I'm reclaiming space. For friends I regularly share large files with, I maintain a shared folder in dropbox. Handy for swapping large raw files too, since most display sites can't accept them.

  • PanHandlepanorama_fish_eye
    7 posts
    2 years ago

    Thanks all for these suggestions!

    Looks like there may be no way to share full size images from PhotoBucket, or at least I haven't found out how.

    Flickr also allows 200Mb files like PhotoBucket, but there are limits on the W:H ratio (ca 30:1) that might be a problem for pans. No practical limits on size for Dropbox, I think I will give that a try!

    Best regards,

  • PanHandlepanorama_fish_eye
    7 posts
    2 years ago

    OK, let's try this now from DropBox

    This is a vertical pan I made on Saturday of a lovely stained glass window from the Arts and Crafts Master Harry Clarke, in Timoleague outside Cork. Should be ca 11K X 13K, and no killing anybody's servers if this linking approach works!


    Please do let me know if you don't mind whether this is successful. I can see it, but I am logged in already to my DropBox. I sent myself the link by phone, and it seems to work fine, except for a reminder that you should "Get The DropBox app". If you just click "Go to the website," it seems to give the full resolution with no problem (11KX13K roughly).

    Thanks for all the good suggestions!

  • shermlevinepanorama_fish_eye
    142 posts
    2 years ago
  • minnievpanorama_fish_eye
    1859 posts
    2 years ago

    Works fine. Screenshot from my end.
    Screen Shot 2023-04-11 at 9.07.12 AM.jpg

    Please do let me know if you don't mind whether this is successful. I can see it, but I am logged in already to my DropBox. I sent myself the link by phone, and it seems to work fine, except for a reminder that you should "Get The DropBox app". If you just click "Go to the website," it seems to give the full resolution with no problem (11KX13K roughly).

    Thanks for all the good suggestions!


    Screen Shot 2023-04-11 at 9.07.12 AM.jpg

    JPG, 1.1 MB, uploaded by minniev 2 years ago.

  • minnievpanorama_fish_eye
    1859 posts
    2 years ago

    Another option for quick one time shares is WeTransfer, free for the occasional user. In my state, gov't agencies are not allowed to use dropbox for some reason. I have occasional need to send large files to the Dept of Archives and History, and use WeTransfer for that purpose. It's super easy.

  • PanHandlepanorama_fish_eye
    7 posts
    2 years ago

    Thanks, I do use WeTransfer for sharing really big files with friends, but have not used it to share links like this. Another good thought!


  • TheDavinatorpanorama_fish_eye
    621 posts
    2 years ago

    Quite honestly, a 4mb jpg should be enough to display a good sized image. We don’t really need to see right down to the pixel to judge a photo.

  • PanHandlepanorama_fish_eye
    7 posts
    2 years ago

    I have to respectfully disagree, at least a bit. Some of the large pans I do are very much about the detail, not at the pixel level, but the ability to zoom in and see more of a work of art (as in this case) or a building like a church or a landscape. I think 1920 X 1800 pixels is plenty for lots of photographs, quite a bit less than that would be fine for lots of photos, but I don't think it is a dictum that one resolution fits for all photos. There are lots of reasons to be interested in shooting medium format, not suggesting at all that increased resolution is the only one, but it could be one reason. And a smaller resolution limit could be an impediment for that.

    FWIW, here are a couple of my favorite recent pans, where I like the overall look, but also enjoy being able to "walk around" inside the picture, to see details like the heron by the water in the "White Horse Pan" or the individual offices in the Petronas Towers. Different strokes for different folks.



    Best regards,

  • BobWpanorama_fish_eye
    2 posts
    2 years ago

    I occasionally use an app called mailbigfile at mailbigfile.com. It is basically a portal that receives very large files from the sender, contacts the recipient identified by the sender, and allows the recipient to download the very large file via the portal. I do not use it very often, but it seems to work well.

  • manzurfahimpanorama_fish_eye
    44 posts
    2 years ago

    This images are amazing. It is amazing to zoom in and see all those little details. I love them.

  • manzurfahimpanorama_fish_eye
    44 posts
    2 years ago


  • ValuedCustomerpanorama_fish_eye
    21 posts
    2 years ago

    When I want to send photos out to up to twenty people: filetransfer.io
    You just upload your files and it can be downloaded about 20 times with the link expiring in a couple weeks.

    Did not read above.

    Your stuff is great too zoom into.