• stevet1panorama_fish_eye
    777 posts
    2 years ago

    The farmers in this area have planted a crop that I don't know if I've ever seen before.
    It's not beans or corn or wheat. I think it might be millet. It's turned the fields into a reddish gold color.

    I shot the first picture at 5900 Kelvin. The second one, I dropped the temperature to 5600 and zoomed in quite a bit..

    img_left tutn_0051.JPG

    img_left tutn_0050.JPG

    Steve Thomas

    img_left tutn_0050.JPG

    JPG, 155.5 KB, uploaded by stevet1 2 years ago.

    img_left tutn_0051.JPG

    JPG, 165.9 KB, uploaded by stevet1 2 years ago.

  • Digiramepanorama_fish_eye
    1891 posts
    2 years ago


    I was able to achieve a black background because in this particular case, there was sunshine and shadows. In other words, the tulips were in sunshine and the black background was a dark shadow.

  • Digiramepanorama_fish_eye
    1891 posts
    2 years ago


    Thanks. Unfortunately, I think a squirrel cut down the purple one. The squirrels occasionally will do that. I don't know why. They don't do that to all of them, just one or two or so...like they are tasting them or something.

  • Digiramepanorama_fish_eye
    1891 posts
    2 years ago


    It's nice to see the fields. For me AWB works most of the time, except if there is nothing but clouds, then cloudy-white-balance is best. I think you may have pointed that out to me previously.

  • Ellarepanorama_fish_eye
    2 posts
    2 years ago

    Digirame, wonderful tulip photos. Especially enjoy Nos. 1 and 3.

    Contrast is essential!

  • mocha123panorama_fish_eye
    411 posts
    2 years ago

    Hi Digirame,

    Those pics. of the flowers are great.

  • mocha123panorama_fish_eye
    411 posts
    2 years ago

    Hi stevet1,

    Love the colours, similar to our rape seed at this time of year but not as warm as your colours.

  • mocha123panorama_fish_eye
    411 posts
    2 years ago

    Hi SandyF,

    Very nice and lovely colours too.

  • Dunlinpanorama_fish_eye
    643 posts
    2 years ago

    Nice to see you again Ellare.

  • 2 years ago

    I posted the pictures I took today here in a thread about the Canon RF24-240 lens. Please visit.


  • stevet1panorama_fish_eye
    777 posts
    2 years ago


    Nice pictures.

    Interesting building on the bottom. Looks like a giant came along and crushed it in his bare hand like a beer can.

    Would you show a couple of pictures in the 200 - 240mm range?

    Steve Thomas

  • 2 years ago

    Thanks, Steve. There is a 240mm photo of the giant -crushed building higher up on the same page. The building is the tallest for miles around and has a pendulum in it to keep it stable. As far as the 200-240mm range is concerned, I must confess that I probably have none that are not at 240mm. That's the way it seems to go with zoom lenses: they get used most frequently at one or the other extreme focal length.

    There's another 240mm pic of mine here. I do without shame use the automatic distortion corrections of PhotoLab 5 with these RF lenses.



  • Dunlinpanorama_fish_eye
    643 posts
    2 years ago

    They look good David.
    I don't think using DxO's lens corrections is anything to be shameful about. I would If I could.

  • Digiramepanorama_fish_eye
    1891 posts
    2 years ago

    Thanks Ellare. I was out taking pictures of tulips again at a farm this past Sunday. But none of them were closeups like those.

  • Digiramepanorama_fish_eye
    1891 posts
    2 years ago

    Thanks Mocha. I'll show more tulip pictures later. I've been out taking tons of photos and post processing a lot, so I haven't had a lot of extra time.

  • Digiramepanorama_fish_eye
    1891 posts
    2 years ago


    I liked seeing the interesting structures, buildings and statues. The blue sky was lovely. I see that you used 240mm FL a few times too. It looks like that lens will work well for you.

  • Ellarepanorama_fish_eye
    2 posts
    2 years ago

    Thanks Dunlin. I am glad to be here with all you good folks!
    I have a few photos to work on and then will try posting. It will be later in the week as I am going to a nature preserve tomorrow for a first visit.
