• primeshooterpanorama_fish_eye
    217 posts
    2 years ago

    I am going to be shooting this lens until sigma or another bring a native 14mm 1.8 (or their 1.4) to z mount. I use trackers and also do stacks but I have always loved a fast uwa prime. Can the mount handle this on a z8? Thinking of the increase in moment (m=fxd) applied to the lens mount now the ftz ii pushes it further out. The z mount looks well designed and the mount well fixed internally and with its 4 locking positions on the mount it is reassuring. What are your thoughts?

  • finnanhelp_outline
    322 posts
    2 years ago


  • primeshooterpanorama_fish_eye
    217 posts
    2 years ago

    It's f mount. I already have the ftz ii so it is alot of expense to buy the first one for one lens. This lens doesn't come with a tripod socket though, not as standard.

  • finnanhelp_outline
    322 posts
    2 years ago


  • primeshooterpanorama_fish_eye
    217 posts
    2 years ago

    Yes I know about that 1.4 and it would be bought by me in a heartbeat but it's only for E or L mount so far...I guess I could go the adapter route but it is fiddly in the dark etc.

  • justTonypanorama_fish_eye
    46 posts
    2 years ago

    I wouldn’t worry about the 14/1.8 since I have no worries about the 40/1.4 Art on FtZ on my Z bodies.

  • primeshooterpanorama_fish_eye
    217 posts
    2 years ago

    I thought it would be OK since the z mount is very solid. Good to know. Ps love that 40!