• Members 36 posts
    April 29, 2023, 8:44 a.m.


    following recently one of the videos of James Popsys on YT, I tested how the exposure bracketting is working on my fp.

    I find quite easily how to set the number and exposing steps and order, but I did not find how to let the camera take the three/five pictures in a burst.

    Do I have to take three shots manually to complete my three bracketed pictures? This seems an unfinished function.
    I know I could achieve this in continuous shooting, but then if I stay pressed too long, I take a fourth, fifth picture...

    Is there something I don't grasp here? I mean I shoot in A, and have Exposure compensation set 0.3EV step on the front dial around the shutter release, so if I want several versions of an image with different exposure settings, well I do it like that. But then, what's the point of this exposure bracketting function if it does not by itself takes the three pictures in a raw (no pun intended here, I'm not talking about the raw file)?

    Thank you already for your insight on this,


  • April 29, 2023, 9 a.m.

    I’m not very familiar with Sigma, but have you tried setting a self timer and seeing if it takes all the shots? The manual seems to suggest it should, and I think some other cameras work the same way.

    I mostly use Fuji and they conveniently have a choice in the bracketing setup to take all the shots with one shutter press or not.

  • Members 36 posts
    April 29, 2023, 10:16 a.m.

    I just check, and as soon as you set a bracketting EV value, the intervalometer option is disabled.
    Furthermore, the intervalometer cannot be set lower than 2 seconds apart.
    So sadly, even if it was indeed permitted, it would take the three/five bracketed images as fast as two seconds apart.

    Well, on a tripod for landscape, that would not be so much of a problem, but handheld...

  • April 29, 2023, 11:26 a.m.

    I don’t think it’s interval mode you want, it looks like you should have self timer options of 2 and 10 seconds.

    According to the manual if one of those is set it should count down and then take the shots one after the other (self timer delay normally only applies to the first shot, unlike interval).

    This bit is under the bracketing section:




    PNG, 316.0 KB, uploaded by nightowl on April 29, 2023.


    PNG, 132.4 KB, uploaded by nightowl on April 29, 2023.

  • Members 36 posts
    April 29, 2023, 2:07 p.m.

    Great :-)! It's working with the Self Timer mode perfectly as intended: 2 seconds time, then it takes the three shots one after each other.

    Perfect. Thank you for your help :-)!
