following recently one of the videos of James Popsys on YT, I tested how the exposure bracketting is working on my fp.
I find quite easily how to set the number and exposing steps and order, but I did not find how to let the camera take the three/five pictures in a burst.
Do I have to take three shots manually to complete my three bracketed pictures? This seems an unfinished function.
I know I could achieve this in continuous shooting, but then if I stay pressed too long, I take a fourth, fifth picture...
Is there something I don't grasp here? I mean I shoot in A, and have Exposure compensation set 0.3EV step on the front dial around the shutter release, so if I want several versions of an image with different exposure settings, well I do it like that. But then, what's the point of this exposure bracketting function if it does not by itself takes the three pictures in a raw (no pun intended here, I'm not talking about the raw file)?
Thank you already for your insight on this,