• Members 599 posts
    April 1, 2023, 7:20 p.m.

    CameraKamasutra maybe...?

  • Members 146 posts
    April 1, 2023, 7:31 p.m.

    Or maybe just "camerasutra"! :}

  • April 1, 2023, 7:33 p.m.

    But that's the ambition, which it hasn't got 'forums' in the name, and why we chose a general purpose system base, not a specialised forum.

  • Members 18 posts
    April 1, 2023, 9:46 p.m.

    May I hint you guys that "Rev" reminds me of (1) Revision and (2) Reverend, and if you combine that Urban Dictionary erotic meaning of "DP", "DPRev" would sound like...

  • Members 2 posts
    April 1, 2023, 9:58 p.m.

    It looks pretty.

  • Members 164 posts
    April 1, 2023, 10:33 p.m.

    Except it is, in a sense; DPReview has been shut down in part because Amazon evidently don’t think “DP” is a viable space anymore. This site exists on the understanding that it is.

    It works on that level, and also in the fact that DPRevived can be seen as a play on the word phrase DPReview, and is a revival of DPReview. It works on many levels in fact, much more so than any of the alternatives put forward.

    Absolutely right, the world certainly isn’t littered with massive brands with obscure and seemingly non-descriptive names. Just ask Google, Apple, Amazon, Shell, Sony…

    The “isolated event” in this case being the 25 year history of one of the longest running websites in the history of the internet? That “blink and you’ll miss it” event?

  • Members 146 posts
    April 1, 2023, 11:37 p.m.

    You're conflating two unrelated things. You surmise that Amazon have shut down DPR because its impact on their sales of ILCs was insufficient, but we don't actually know that.

    Even if we did know that, it's only tangentially related to the viability of an information hub like DPR as a thing unto itself.

    Besides which, The ILC market and digital photography are also not the same thing. The former may (or may not) be in need of reviving, the latter most certainly isn't.

    So you keep saying. As I've already mentioned, I disagree. The only level I think it works reasonably well on is as a transitional name to encourage existing users to migrate across from DPR. Beyond that, I'm afraid it strikes me as some combination of arcane and opaque.

    Your accomplished wielding of sarcasm and snark is noted.

    However, as I'm sure you're quite well aware, what works for ubiquitous multi-million dollar international conglomerates with products in multifarious markets and multiple market segments doesn't necessarily translate to small-time niche web sites, most of which choose titles that indicate their function.

    No. The "isolated event" in question is Amazon's shuttering of DPR --- a tiny blip in comparison to its 25 year history.

    People new to photography next month, next year or next decade won't trouble themselves to read up on the history of the internet (or the history of DPR in particular) when choosing a google search result to click on for info about a camera. They will click on the one that sounds like it might provide the info they want.

  • Members 518 posts
    April 2, 2023, 12:48 a.m.

    @Who the heck cares what this website is called

    dprevived.com is being mentioned in a dozen or more photography websites across the world, not to mention social media sites.



  • April 2, 2023, 8:27 a.m.

    The Eric Gill typeface helps! An obvious choice as this website is UK based - and Gill Sans has particularly good V’s.

  • Members 146 posts
    April 2, 2023, 8:54 a.m.

    Presumably, people contributing to a runaway thread with the title "site needs a new name" care --- one way or the other. Or else they wouldn't be here. : |

    That's great news - and I assume successfully piggybacks on reports about the untimely demise of DPR. After DPR is gone, we'll be reliant on mentions elsewhere to bring folks here.

    Meanwhile, FWIW, the images (I assume they were images?) in your post are not showing - for me at least. They're appearing as the broken link symbol.

  • April 2, 2023, 10:11 a.m.

    If images appear as broken links, it means they are 'orphaned' - so probably moved from another post here, which upsets things. Another thing to be looked at in the fullness of time.


  • Members 164 posts
    April 2, 2023, 10:32 a.m.

    I haven’t said that; I’ve said that Amazon don’t see digital photography as something worthy and - crucially - profitable enough for them anymore to justify running a dedicated site; I think that’s self evident. Of course it can be “profitable” still for the rest of us, as we’re not a corporation and we value more than just dollars and cents.

    I think you’re going off at a tangent here. DPRevived isn’t exclusively about ILCs, or even distinct cameras, there’s a mobile photography forum here too for example (film as well, come to that).

    Thanks! Just trying to keep the spirit of DPR alive.

    Each one of the ubiquitous multi-million dollar international conglomerates I mentioned started out as small niche players in niche markets, all while trading under those very same arcane, opaque names. Those origins don’t seem to have held them back, quite the opposite.

    They’ll click on the one that’s highest up the search ranking, and gets the most traffic and referrals. Much of that depends on DPRevived being firmly established at this point as the focus of post-DPR user activity.

  • Members 146 posts
    April 2, 2023, 10:44 a.m.

    As a general rule, I find there to be an inverse relationship between the tendency to resort to sarcasm and snark and the quality of the argument/s it's used to "support".

    You're doing a fine job of demonstrating that.

  • Members 164 posts
    April 2, 2023, 12:37 p.m.

    It could be said that if you’re reduced to arguing with the level of snark rather than the points made (snarkily or not) you’ve kind of lost the argument…

  • April 2, 2023, 12:40 p.m.

    Let's call a close to the 'snarky' posts please. It doesn't help.

  • Members 164 posts
    April 2, 2023, 4 p.m.

    Interesting. Is there a rule against “snark”, as I haven’t seen it? Equally, is there a definition?

    As far as I was concerned, i was using some good old sarcasm to make a valid point, a point that sees to have been accepted even. Not sure why I’m being moderated against. Am I being moderated against?

  • April 2, 2023, 4:07 p.m.

    No, you are not being moderated against. I was just making a polite request. Feel free to ignore it.


  • Members 146 posts
    April 3, 2023, 3:42 a.m.

    Not remotely.

    I've stated my views, and I stand by them.

    I have confidence that the site organisers will consider the various suggestions, inputs and concerns that have been expressed here - from you and I as well as others - as they make decisions moving forward.

    I don't feel any inclination to debate further with you. Even leaving the snark, snide and sarcasm aside, it adds nothing IMO.