• April 30, 2023, 9:01 p.m.

    Open threads list (All threads)
    Click some thread open, read few minutes
    Hit Back button

    If you're lucky, you see heading like 'There are XX new or updated threads, click here to load them'.
    This is all good and nice, but actually new threads are already loaded.

    Another case (maybe they are internally same):
    Open threads list, wait for internal refresh to say 'There are XX new...'
    Click on heading to reoload list
    Click some thread open
    Hit Back button

    You sometimes see similar 'There are XX new...' heading - but new threads are already loaded.
    It seems depend on browser - Edge behaves better than Opera (couldn't trigger second case), both are Chromium based.

  • April 30, 2023, 9:34 p.m.

    Thanks - I'll look into it. Probably tomorrow now.

