I've realised that I'm not a professional photographer.............even though I think I should be :-)
So, what does that mean?
Like most here I've got some excellent camera's and powerful computers and pro level software, but, the thing is, when I look at my photo library of almost 15,000 or so images that I have in my C1 catalogue most are snaps that could just as comfortably live in Apple Photo's as jpegs and certainly be more accessible to the rest of my family.
All this means is that for 99% of my photography I don't need or indeed use any of the features of C1, or DXO Photolab 6 etc. I load my images into a NAS, catalogue them in C1 and then my family use the NAS app to see the pictures and this could be changed to a shared Photo's library.
For the other 1% I'm dragging the raws out of C1 (well exporting out) into iCloud Drive into a folder structure that works for me so that they can be shared between the iPad and M1 MBP for editing / printing, where I am using Raw Power and the Affinity Suite on both the iPad and MBP, with Raw Power being used as a lightweight DAM and the Affinity Suite as the editor.
I now split my photography into family stuff and more considered work, with new raws going direct into iCloud, and any family type stuff I'm going to convert to jpeg and just put into the family accessible library (NAS or Photo's - haven't made my mind up on that yet), with the more considered work going into named folders to be curated from there.
Since I've gone down this route I've not touched C1 or DXO and I can't say that I've noticed any difference in the quality of images I get out. It's a different route to the same end state for me which is a final image in a 16bit tiff for printing.
One thing I have noticed is that I much prefer editing on the iPad (M2 iPadPro 1tb model) than the laptop, I'm finding the pen really is better than a mouse in most cases. If I do need the laptop, well the images are already in iCloud so I can finish on the iPad and continue on the MBP.
I own C1 V22 and DXO PL6, but going forwards it's likely that I'll just leave C1 at v22 and I may keep updating DXO, as I do find it has some useful features, but so far, it's been affinity as the editor of choice recently.
All very liberating
Anyhoo just my ramblings on apple kit and photography