I'm beginning to put some ideas together based around:
And Michael Kenna inspired
Not new images, but re-edited in the the 'theme' manner. Still very much a work in progress and most are MF (GFX) with 2 being Fuji X cams
Some good compositional jumping off points in this set.
Just one thing. I went to a talk given by McKenna, and he talked about how he uses very long exposures for a lot of his landscape work.
His prints seen in the flesh are a joy to behold.
Thanks for the comment, and yes one of Kenna's signatures is very long exposures, something that I will get round to once I've found a suitable subject. I've been playing around with in camera grain effects based on the Fuji sims in my cameras and will look at trying that with long exposures to try and mimic as far as possible the long exposure on film that he uses with digital
These are really good images, and together they make a great set !
Thanks, appreciated