• Members 60 posts
    March 28, 2023, 8:59 a.m.

    Firstly I would like to thank everyone involved with this amazing replacement forum for DPReview. I'm utterly amazed how quickly you go this up, and how well it's already working in just the first few days. I just wanted to post a little bit of initial feedback from first 24 hours playing with it.

    First up What I love about this site so far (personal opinion but wanted to share what I'm really enjoying functionality wise)

    1. I love the three drop down menus you have on any particular forum page: This is great for quickly navigating between forums, flicking between Nikon Z and Nikon 1 forums, which I always used to do on DPReview is even quicker. (photo below) so please keep this if at all possible :D

    Screenshot 2023-03-28 at 09.41.37.png

    1. The ability to view all posts under a particular category e.g. camera brand - Really like this feature as well as you can see all the latest posts for all Nikon cameras (or any other main category forum) and still be able to jump in to the relevant forum at the click of a button.

    2. Seeing all the latest threads view - this is great for keeping up with all the latest posts on the forum, the tags for each individual post help you jump to the relevant forum, which I really like.

    3. I genuinely prefer the new block arrangement where the sub forums are listed left to right, it seems less busy to me than the original format, but that's again personal preference I guess.

    Screenshot 2023-03-28 at 09.45.50.png

    1. Drag and drop to upload image quickly into a post. This is nice and makes uploading images quicker and good to have the option.

    What I'd like to see added functionality wise:
    1. auto resize when uploading a larger image (above 4mb) I don't know if this is possible, but it would save a lot of time having to resize images before posting them. EDIT: Even better would be the ability to upload larger images without resizing as it was on DPReview, totally understand it may be a while before image sizes can be that much larger though.

    1. The camera data on roll over - this was always great on DPReview to see what settings people have used, as you can learn a lot from this.

    2. Gear list - This is probably for much later, but it's a lovely feature that DPreview had to see what gear people have in their signatures.

    3. Ability to have a signature - this would probably help with the above point as we can list out gear ourselves, if the gear list database is a little further afield in site development.

    4. How many members - I think having this visible on the main page would encourage more users to sign up and it would be lovely to witness it grow each day :D

    Again a huge thank you to all involved with this awesome replacement forum. DPReview is a huge part of my photography life, and I was crushed to hear it was going. It's amazing to have people dedicated enough to create something like this so rapidly, and the speed at which bugs have been fixed is just amazing. Here's hoping this is a start of an even better photo community! Look forward to seeing how the site develops :D

    Screenshot 2023-03-28 at 09.45.50.png

    PNG, 382.7 KB, uploaded by Naia on March 28, 2023.

    Screenshot 2023-03-28 at 09.41.37.png

    PNG, 256.1 KB, uploaded by Naia on March 28, 2023.

  • Members 60 posts
    March 28, 2023, 9 a.m.

    Just want to point out that the numbers went all crazy in the above post??? Not too sure what caused that, but thought it worth a mention too :)