• Members 84 posts
    April 20, 2023, 5:21 p.m.

    Three month ago I upgrade sony a5000 to a6600. Before I have use sony a5000 about 6 years.
    But I still use ergonomics a6600 as a big a5000 with ibis end evf. Still don't customise all custom buttons, don't realize quick meny idea, custom modes end etc..
    Most time I do photo, A-mode, sometime S-mode. Shoot JPEG.
    Lenses:Zoom 16-70, 20f2.8. (also have old vintage soviet lens, but practically don't use it).
    Now I only customise C1 for DRO\HDR option, and C2 for manual focus magnification.

    So, I will glad if APSC sony community members share experience about a6600\6400 usage and ergonomics customization mostly for photo.

  • Members 25 posts
    April 21, 2023, 10 a.m.

    Hi Alexey
    You will find some stuff with which you are familiar, and some useful tips about what is new in Gary Friedman's book. It's about $US 35. And it has something approaching a proper index (sorry, I am an index pedant</rant>). With a full text search PDF reader and the index, you can find the answer to any question that has occurred to me in the last four years.
    Happy shooting!

  • Members 5 posts
    April 21, 2023, 3:59 p.m.

    Probably everyone does things a bit (or a lot) differently, depending on their needs. You can assign many, but not all, functions to the buttons, the function menu, and the my menu lists under the menu button - I can only suggest shooting a lot and seeing what you find yourself changing most frequently and assign those to buttons. Less frequent but important changes can go in the menu systems. For large setup differences (e.g., single-shot center focus vs multi-shot zone) you have 2-3 memory settings as well. I use c1 for af/mf toggle, the af/mf button for back button focus, and the ael button to change focus modes (which basically means I don't have ael, but I can live with that). I'm still changing what's where in the various menus, though.

  • Members 37 posts
    April 21, 2023, 8:54 p.m.

    You have to patient, do your own search with the camera menu, learn to use "my menu", read the Friedman's book. It will take time to take advantage of what the camera has to offer. Ask on this forum for anybody's preferred settings on A6600.

  • Members 84 posts
    May 18, 2023, 9:56 a.m.

    Thank you! Today I buy Gary Friedman's book and started to read.