• Amquaexpanorama_fish_eye
    10 posts
    2 years ago


    After picking up a D750, I am in need of a modern zoom in the standard zoom range. I already own the 28-105D, which is actually quite good and versatile, but I would like a more modern/reliable autofocus system, as well as VR if possible.

    I am considering between 24-70 f/2.8 (non-VR), 24-120 f/4, and 28-300. The 24-70 appeals to me due to its weather sealing (and build quality), as well as the IQ and fast aperture; the 24-120 mirrors my DX 16-80 (which seems like a miniature version of the 24-120, to be honest) which is a range I quite enjoy, and the 28-300 is a do-all which is also quite nice to have in several situations. On DX I also have the Tamron 18-400 which compromises on IQ but has a great range as well as good weather sealing, and the sigma 17-50 f/2.8 which I find sharper at some focal lengths than the 16-80 f/2.8-4.

    I would rather not buy all three to check which one will click for me (also because I fear it may very well be "all three"), can someone express opinions? I have read everything and its opposite on the 24-120 f/4.
    I am also leaning towards my Oly kit for travel, so I do not think the 28-300 will be of great use.

  • Rapickpanorama_fish_eye
    17 posts
    2 years ago

    A few years ago I chose a (used) 24-120 f/4 VR and until now I didn't find any reason for non recommending it. VR is very good and "N" coating a true plus.