• Members 31 posts
    April 5, 2023, 4:33 p.m.

    I am trying to keep an open mind, to give it chance and get acquainted with this new site. I'd really like it to take off and at least approximate what we had with DPReview, the forums that is. But man, I'm struggling. And I didn't even realize until I had cause to visit another forum - the one for Macrium Reflect support, which is also community driven - and then it hit me. So much easier to create and follow a thread there.

    Hope things improve here. And thanks to everyone for taking the time and effort.


  • April 5, 2023, 4:41 p.m.

    Hang in here! Notifications and threaded view are in the works. For now this screen keeps you up to date with threads you've started or replied to -


    • I currently have it bookmarked and use it the most of any page here (also of course I've bookmarked the Home/Category page).