Went for a walk on the trail behind a pond near my house. Spotted red winged black birds, yellow rumped warblers, a song sparrow, palm warbler (new to my life list), a catbird, and cedar waxwings (also new to my life list though I'd seen them before). There must have been 10+ cedar waxwings though I only saw them all when they flew away. Here's a few pix.
This is what Merlin ID'd as a Palm Warbler
A yellow rumped warbler took off right above me. I like the view of the wings.
A cute little song sparrow stopped singing for me to photograph him.
I got quite a few shots of the Cedar Waxwing. I really like this series.
And he offered the berry to his sweetie...
True love?
A Catbird isn't very exciting, but, I thought it was a decent shot...