• rodriguezPhotopanorama_fish_eye
    636 posts
    10 months ago

    Welcome all to the Sunday Cat!, a weekly gathering of image makers on a subject of mutual interest, our feline friends. The Sunday Cat! has appeared each Sunday, except for a brief interruption in September, 2016, since Anton AK started the thread at DPReview on 23 September 2007. Successive thread managers have been John King, Warriormouse, Robert J, Coldamus, Robert J again (with an assist by StanTsui) and since September 2016, former lurker, me. When DPReview was threatened with closure in March 2023, the last regular Sunday Cat! there was hosted on 2 April 2023. After taking a leap of faith, the Sunday Cat! landed here at its new home on 9 April 2023.

    Startled Kitty of the Week!

    Mr. Me, I've been looking everywhere! I can't find anyone!! Where have all the kitties gone??? šŸ˜²

    As said by Warriormouse, "Photos can be more than just art, they can be memories, so come share your picture and stories of your feline companions with us."

    ā€œOfficialā€ posting time is every Sunday at 0000 UTC. Because this is Saturday afternoon for me, posting time may vary to accommodate my schedule. I'll try to post a message if I know I will be very late. Anyone anxious to start the new week is free to do so. But if you do, please PM me so I donā€™t accidentally double post.

    Come one, come all! All cats, all cameras welcome. Images from any time, any place. Let the Sunday Cat! be a refuge where nice comments abound and only constructive criticism is given when it's requested.

    The Sunday Cat! is now open for business. :D

    Last week's purrs, #864 / DPRv #57

    Thread Manager's Corner:
    It was a very, very quiet week. And of course, I'm guilty myself due to pretty much being absent from one weekly thread posting to the next. Palmer has been getting most of my attention, and really, things here at home revolve around his needs right now. Over and over again he seems to walk right up to that line that says, "now is the time", and then he walks back again. So we continue our dance between here and over the rainbow bridge. We hope that all the other kitties are doing well and just to busy to pose right now. ;)

    ~~~ Kim

    Though small in size, the imprint they make on our lives is huge.


    JPG, 1.0 MB, uploaded by rodriguezPhoto 10 months ago.

  • Slojoepanorama_fish_eye
    72 posts
    10 months ago

    Waking up from a cat nap? Yes .Arni looking half asleep in his cat bed trying to
    figure out who would disturb him. Certainly not that person with a cell phone
    pointed his way....
    arni half asleep small.jpg

    arni half asleep small.jpg

    JPG, 138.5 KB, uploaded by Slojoe 10 months ago.

  • rodriguezPhotopanorama_fish_eye
    636 posts
    10 months ago

    That definitely is the look of, "Huh? What was that??"

  • StanDisbrowpanorama_fish_eye
    456 posts
    10 months ago


    Sadly, I have to report the passing of Miss Frisky yesterday afternoon. She was 19, which is the longest In have had a cat live.

    She started her slide downhill just over a year ago. By feeding her wet food with higher than normal nutrition, she kept going for longer than we thought she would.

    She passed peacefully outside laying in the sun, which is something she always loved to do.

    We have a Kitty Spot on the far side of the pond out behind the house, so she is in good company and still at home.


    Here she is, on the bed with Fred (who disappeared a few months ago).

    So we have just one somewhat confused kitty left. Miss Snowflake.




    JPG, 1.1 MB, uploaded by StanDisbrow 10 months ago.


    JPG, 1.5 MB, uploaded by StanDisbrow 10 months ago.

  • palin0panorama_fish_eye
    64 posts
    10 months ago



    Malcabrestoā€¦ā€¦and probably his son, new addition to the farm family


    JPG, 1.5 MB, uploaded by palin0 10 months ago.


    JPG, 2.9 MB, uploaded by palin0 10 months ago.

  • OLEF641panorama_fish_eye
    91 posts
    10 months ago

    Sorry to hear of Miss Frisky's passing šŸ˜æ. It's hard to let them go. It's nice that you have your "kitty place" where your friends can continue to be near you. 19 is a good long life, most kitties I know of made it to around 16 or 17.

  • Slojoepanorama_fish_eye
    72 posts
    10 months ago

    Very sorry to hear of Miss Frisky's passing across the rainbow bridge. She will have
    company to guide her way to forever. 19 is a very long life and I'm sure you gave her
    the love during that time she deserved.

  • rodriguezPhotopanorama_fish_eye
    636 posts
    10 months ago

    I too am sorry to learn of your loss. They are all special, and each is unique. I love that Miss Frisky was able to pass peacefully on her own timetable, while doing what she loved. That's something we would all want for our kitties.

  • rodriguezPhotopanorama_fish_eye
    636 posts
    10 months ago

    It's interesting that we have the circle of life in one thread this week. The loss of one and the new entry of another. One certainly can't deny the resemblance between Malcabresto and the kitten. I wonder if more will show up.

  • Kumsalpanorama_fish_eye
    430 posts
    10 months ago

    Street Cats of Istanbul



    JPG, 3.0 MB, uploaded by Kumsal 10 months ago.

  • Craigpanorama_fish_eye
    78 posts
    10 months ago

    Untitled--local cat hanging out.

    4 May 005.jpg

    4 May 005.jpg

    JPG, 7.5 MB, uploaded by Craig 10 months ago.

  • StanDisbrowpanorama_fish_eye
    456 posts
    10 months ago


    Thank you, all. She only had one bad day over the past year, and that was the last one.



    I love the shots of Dad and Son there. Yes, one arrives and one leaves. That is the way of things.


    JPG, 1.5 MB, uploaded by StanDisbrow 10 months ago.

  • softmarmottepanorama_fish_eye
    224 posts
    10 months ago

    The two headed cat...not sure which body belongs to which cat here. Stripey and Tiger


    JPG, 1.3 MB, uploaded by softmarmotte 10 months ago.

  • softmarmottepanorama_fish_eye
    224 posts
    10 months ago

    Kitty dreaming of playing the guitar


    JPG, 631.0 KB, uploaded by softmarmotte 10 months ago.

  • rodriguezPhotopanorama_fish_eye
    636 posts
    10 months ago

    Beautiful kitty. The Street Cats of Istanbul are very fortunate to have a community that supports them.

  • rodriguezPhotopanorama_fish_eye
    636 posts
    10 months ago

    Unlike the Street Cats of Istanbul, this kitty appears to be very much on his own. So along with an end and a beginning, this week also gives us, the good and the sad.

  • rodriguezPhotopanorama_fish_eye
    636 posts
    10 months ago

    That one is definitely a puzzle!

  • rodriguezPhotopanorama_fish_eye
    636 posts
    10 months ago

    I like how we can see all the black toe pads on her. She definitely looks like she can hear the music coming from it. :)

  • rodriguezPhotopanorama_fish_eye
    636 posts
    10 months ago

    Since I am catching up on the last week, I'm going to come back and post the new week a little later.

  • StanDisbrowpanorama_fish_eye
    456 posts
    10 months ago

    Miss Frisky's story:

    In December 2004, we moved to this small farm. We had three cats who came with us. One of which was Miss Daisy:


    Here is a shot of Daisy and Frisky.

    Well, about May of 2005, Miss Daisy disappeared. Looking around didn't turn her up. We didn't know what kind of activity the new county had in regards to picking up strays. And we are three miles from town via the river. Five by road. So we headed down to the shelter to see if Daisy happened to be there.

    She wasn't. And they told us they'd not bother with cats unless someone called them specifically.

    So that was a No Go. But, there in one of the cages, was this little kitten sitting all the way in the back corner with her head hung.

    My wife said that kitten had to come home with us. And so she did. Nineteen years ago.

    When we took Frisky to the vet for her operation - they call it Fixing, but I call it Breaking - she went right to the back corner of the kennel and hung her head. Heartbreaking.

    She was elated when we returned to take her home.

    And we found Daisy a few days after Frisky came home with us. She wandered down by the river and didn't know how to get back home.

    Here is a last shot of Frisky, being helpful with the housework.




    JPG, 1.2 MB, uploaded by StanDisbrow 10 months ago.


    JPG, 1.8 MB, uploaded by StanDisbrow 10 months ago.

  • rodriguezPhotopanorama_fish_eye
    636 posts
    9 months ago

    What a lovely story of Miss Frisky. She had something of a charmed life. To be rescued from the shelter by the disappearance of her soon to be roommate, living a long life in a loving home, and then eventually to pass on her own terms.