• snappydenpanorama_fish_eye
    21 posts
    2 years ago

    Italy - 1 of 1.jpeg

    Italy - 1 of 1.jpeg

    JPG, 1.2 MB, uploaded by snappyden 2 years ago.

  • NotsoGloomy1panorama_fish_eye
    92 posts
    2 years ago
  • snappydenpanorama_fish_eye
    21 posts
    2 years ago

    Thank you.


  • DMCOpanorama_fish_eye
    244 posts
    2 years ago

    There are images that are good. And there are images that are great. And there are images that are superb. And, then there are images that transcend all of that and become nothing short of iconic. This image is iconic. I have shot many a fine image in my day but nothing that approaches this. Well done!!!!

    Reach out to the local tourism department. They should license this image from you.

  • Rapickpanorama_fish_eye
    17 posts
    2 years ago

    I remember this one, Den, and the other poster is right: it is 'iconic'! Just a curiosity: was it processed the same way in DPR? I remember lower contrast, but maybe it's just my memory fading.