If Mako had been moderating this thread, how many people would have been sandboxed?

  • 28 votes.
  • Started by bobn2 2 years ago.
undefined votes, undefined% of total.
  • 6 votes, 22% of total.
undefined votes, undefined% of total.
  • 0 votes, 0% of total.
undefined votes, undefined% of total.
  • 3 votes, 11% of total.
undefined votes, undefined% of total.
  • 1 vote, 4% of total.
20 or more.
undefined votes, undefined% of total.
  • 18 votes, 65% of total.
  • CrashpcCZpanorama_fish_eye
    360 posts
    2 years ago

    Policing got to my mind seconds after. "Well, I have never been shot for lack of turn signal, so I don't know what the fuss is about."
    But we could argue about details endlessly.

    Yes, I did not ask for parroting DPReviews approach, I am super glad it turned that way, and even though it has no importance or weight, I am happy with your efforts, opinions and conduct.
    That's a nonissue.
    Things are being discussed, solved, upgraded and enhanced, agreed upon and such.
    Can we wait a second for things to settle? Sure we can.

    Best regards.
    Sorry for having last word. Not an intention, I'm outta here and quiet. 😅

  • bobn2panorama_fish_eye
    2 years ago

    Absolutely not. 'Defending' and 'seeking to understand' are different things. If you're dealing with all kinds of different people, trying to understand why they do what they do is a lot more useful than just categorising them as goodies or baddies.
    In this case, defence is not needed - since despite appearances he's not on trial.

  • Stigpanorama_fish_eye
    599 posts
    2 years ago

    Reminds me of a lady who called the police about her neighbour exposing himself to her. When the police arrived and looked through the window, they couldn't see anything she spoke of...
    "No" she exclaimed "you have to get on top of the dresser and use the binoculars to see him doing it"

  • bobn2panorama_fish_eye
    2 years ago

    I'm guessing that there are a lot of North Koreans that don't think that authoritarianism is a huge problem in North Korea.

  • bobn2panorama_fish_eye
    2 years ago

    Phil did quite a lot more than that. As one of the people he permabanned, I know. Mainly for arguing with him about whether or not pixel counts above 6MP were a problem. I rather think that PA set the pattern that people like our friend Mako followed.

  • bobn2panorama_fish_eye
    2 years ago

    I joined DPReview in 2007 and by then it was already heavily moderated.

  • bobn2panorama_fish_eye
    2 years ago

    I don't think he has any interest whatsoever in 'defending' himself. Why should he?

    Only if you're suggesting that I'm a liar.

  • bobn2panorama_fish_eye
    2 years ago


  • bobn2panorama_fish_eye
    2 years ago

    Bob gets the point. Bob got the point on post one. Bob thinks that lots of people saying bad things about someone is relevant, but not in itself a good process.
    During the Cultural Revolution in the People's Republic of China the Red Guards came up with things called Mass Democracy Meetings, where a crowd would gather and denounce a comrade for this or that failure to follow the teachings of the chairman, afterwards prompt action was taken to make sure that they never again had to opportunity to fail to follow those or any other teachings. Certainly, the mass democracy meetings were effective in a kind of way, but not a good one.

  • SrMipanorama_fish_eye
    457 posts
    2 years ago

    I base my opinion on my experience and observing which people got blocked and why. I expect that people who got blocked have a different opinion.

  • SrMipanorama_fish_eye
    457 posts
    2 years ago

    Yes, when participating on DPR, I gave up my right to call people morons even if they deserved it :).
    Everything would be better if more people would adopt Thailand's attitude where expressing negative feelings emotionally is a sign of weakness (which it is).

  • Dibyendupanorama_fish_eye
    139 posts
    2 years ago

    I am one of those who values freedom of speech, thought and action with the usual caveats that any freedom must have.
    But there are societies and cultures where authoritarianism is accepted, and shockingly, welcomed even. It is hard to make an absolute rule about it - I guess the best one can do is to state clearly what values this site stands for, without getting into the right and wrong of it.

  • bobn2panorama_fish_eye
    2 years ago

    I didn't get into the rights and wrongs of it - I just put it out there without any valued comment. People are free to dress it in their own values.
    Plus, there is the little factor that thinking that authoritarianism is a problem in North Korea has a measurable effect on your life expectancy, which maybe increases the motivation not to think of it as a problem. Also said without any valued comment.

  • bobn2panorama_fish_eye
    2 years ago

    along with that right goes their right to sue you for defamation if it's not true. It also rather affects the attitude of your interlocutor and the direction of the resultant conversation.

  • JACShelp_outline
    878 posts
    2 years ago

    Why do you think that you even know what you are trying to understand (what was happening behind the curtains), and that what he tells you has any information value?

  • bobn2panorama_fish_eye
    2 years ago

    I'm hopeless a learning by rote - so my learning style has always been to make a mental model that gives the right answers. Luckily, in some areas very clever people have been there before me and provided it on a plate. When it comes to people, I've found that with lots of people I simply can't work out what to expect from them. Sometimes, if I talk enough I see how what they say and do fits together. It's quite a useful thing to do if you're having a problem interacting with someone - try and see things from their point of view.

    Of course it has information value. Talking to Hitler would have information value. The question is rather what is the value of the information?

  • TechTalkhelp_outline
    221 posts
    2 years ago

    You apparently never had a moderator at DPR harass you for expressing viewpoints contrary to their own. I did and it's still ongoing.

    I was never banned because I didn't violate the rules. I was and am being harassed there, but I'm not easily impressed, bullied, or intimidated. I was there to express my viewpoint, not to join a club or find a leader to follow.

    I can't speak to other forums there. I participated almost entirely in the "Medium Format Talk" forum.

  • Dannyhelp_outline
    435 posts
    2 years ago