If Mako had been moderating this thread, how many people would have been sandboxed?

  • 28 votes.
  • Started by bobn2 2 years ago.
undefined votes, undefined% of total.
  • 6 votes, 22% of total.
undefined votes, undefined% of total.
  • 0 votes, 0% of total.
undefined votes, undefined% of total.
  • 3 votes, 11% of total.
undefined votes, undefined% of total.
  • 1 vote, 4% of total.
20 or more.
undefined votes, undefined% of total.
  • 18 votes, 65% of total.
  • sybersitizenpanorama_fish_eye
    167 posts
    2 years ago

    The "Killer Moderator" just sandboxed my account over there again, without reason, warning, or explanation. Of course I'm just one of the numerous users on his hit list.

    If I can't get a different moderator over there to free my account, I might as well stop visiting there entirely, and relocate here exclusively ... unless he has some control here as well.

    I sure hope he doesn't.

  • Greglens
    518 posts
    2 years ago

    There are no moderators here, only → Team members.

  • DeletedRemoved user
    2 years ago

    I voted with my feet early in April when they failed to shut down on the day.

    I've also blocked them from planting cookies in my computer and deleted all previous.

    I still look sometimes but can't post without un-blocking them.

  • TheDavinatorpanorama_fish_eye
    621 posts
    2 years ago

    His behaviour has been so awful that if he joins here, he should be immediately banned.

  • DanHasLeftForumhelp_outline
    4254 posts
    2 years ago

    The moderation model hasn't been finalised yet afaik and can see.

    Reading through the Moderation thread it appears the 'forums police' are more likely to be titled 'facilitators' with 'superpowers' not as strong as the dpreview moderators.

  • Dannyhelp_outline
    435 posts
    2 years ago

    Actually he's probably reading this anyway. He likes the limelight does our ........... Shark.


  • NCVpanorama_fish_eye
    1996 posts
    2 years ago

    The team here is made up of good guys, who have been very patient about some of us letting off steam, about the treatment that was reserved for some of us in these dying days of DPR. I got a permanent ban for the posts I made here, about certain individuals there, that I would rather forget about now.

    Some of the moderators at DPR were invited to moderate on some other forum that was started when DPR was supposed to be closing. I saw the list and decided to give it a miss. The guy who runs it posts as "Sniper" on the DPR Site Feedback Forum. Nuff said.

    I see a couple of ex DPR mods who did a fair and good job at DPR are posting here. The bad moderation apples at DPR were a small minority.

  • DanHasLeftForumhelp_outline
    4254 posts
    2 years ago

    fixed typo.

  • simplejoyhelp_outline
    1662 posts
    2 years ago

    While I don't know what has happened exactly and can absolutely understand not wanting someone controversial like that to have any kind of moderator position here, banning someone in a new forum for something he has done in another one, doesn't seem like a good approach to be honest!

  • AlanShpanorama_fish_eye
    2 years ago

    We are NOT banning anyone for something they may or may not have done elsewhere.

    As it happens, I have had some very sensible conversations with him. He could have decided to ban me for some things I did, but he didn't. He chatted to me first. Maybe that is unusual behaviour for him, but it is what happened.


  • DanHasLeftForumhelp_outline
    4254 posts
    2 years ago

    ok......🙂............what did you do to attract his attention? 😀

  • AlanShpanorama_fish_eye
    2 years ago

    No relevant to this discussion. Sorry.

  • Dannyhelp_outline
    435 posts
    2 years ago

    They need mods here for sure. Maybe fresh blood is the best way.

  • DanHasLeftForumhelp_outline
    4254 posts
    2 years ago

    ok 🙂 ........just thought I'd push my luck and at least ask 🙂 (like no-one else was wondering the same thing 😉 )

  • primeshooterpanorama_fish_eye
    217 posts
    2 years ago

    Yeah, I have been on dpreview for a long time and he chatted with me too; not that that helped much either way. Discussion didn't stop his bias showing clear as day. Or his lack of sensible judgement when moderating / protecting the Z camera's failings. He had a clear agenda and that's the facts of the matter. What is it Nikon Rumor's say: "Where there's smoke, there's fire." Glad it is over, still do not see why the site is still open for posting. It's dead now, let us move on.

  • TheDavinatorpanorama_fish_eye
    621 posts
    2 years ago

    Then an ignore feature so I wouldn’t need to be subject to anything he has to do with would be most welcome. Like I said, his behaviour there is like a dictatorship…and that is the true person he is, and always will be.

  • primeshooterpanorama_fish_eye
    217 posts
    2 years ago

    I honestly believe the forum that will win out over the others and be eventually, somewhat prolific, will be the one that does not employ those mods we are speaking about to moderate. I hear some are over on the other forum. That's the first nails in their proverbial coffin.

  • TOShooterpanorama_fish_eye
    153 posts
    2 years ago

    I don't agree with you. Unless you're looking at it as the lesser forums such as Kodak forum, Printers and Printing, Drone Photography, Ricoh Talk (guessing at these) have good moderation due to little discussion, and the big forums like Canon, Nikon have bad moderation (so 2 out of 6).

    And if the moderators that are posting here end up as "facilitators" here, we'll see how long it takes before they turn here into there. Not a good direction.

    It should not be that difficult to exclude all moderators from other sites, not just from DPR from a position here. If it were that hard to moderate, it would be a paid position. My thought is that they like the authority of pushing people around, compensating for something or other. Find some "reluctant" moderators. Preferably not from the pool of fellows arguing over ISO, triangles, stick shift or automatic, in the beginners forum.