If Mako had been moderating this thread, how many people would have been sandboxed?

  • 28 votes.
  • Started by bobn2 2 years ago.
undefined votes, undefined% of total.
  • 6 votes, 22% of total.
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  • 3 votes, 11% of total.
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  • 1 vote, 4% of total.
20 or more.
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  • 18 votes, 65% of total.
  • bobn2panorama_fish_eye
    2 years ago

    Of course I didn't expect that, and he's never made any statement of his own motivations. I'm giving my own deductions from what we've talked about. I don't get the idea that's his motivation at all. If that's what he wanted, he'd have gone all-in on the competition, because they're offering the full control experience, for both the doms and subs. I'm saying this in general, not in any way personally - but we are all of us an island - the simplest way for us to understand others' behaviour is to extrapolate from our own motivations what might make us behave in a given manner - but that can be really unreliable if the other person has different personality patterns.

    They mean a lot in terms of not leaving enforcement to bad actors. Good structures are a great deal about protection from the more negative aspects of human nature.

    Well, firstly the constitutional ban applies just as much to EOs as it does to bills. And the simile is poor. This isn't about who might be appointed, it's about whether people can be individually banned from even applying simply based on who they are. The appropriate simile would be congress passing a bill saying that Hillary Clinton may not be secretary of state. Or, for that reason a president making an EO. In both cases they are attainder. They can choose to enact something that would prevent her being getting the role based on some general characteristics that she had - for instance family members of former presidents being ineligible for the post, but if they made it too specific that it was clear that one person was being targeted the Supreme Court would likely rule it attainder.
    What some people seem to be wanting is an assurance that Mako shouldn't be allowed to be a facilitator for being Mako. That's attainder too, and in any case a personal assurance that none of us can make. I can personally make an assurance that I'll do everything that I can to stop people who want a role just to fulfil a power trip, or any other inappropriate reason, but I'm not going to start discussing individuals.

  • bobn2panorama_fish_eye
    2 years ago

    Seems to be the case.


  • Foskitopanorama_fish_eye
    284 posts
    2 years ago

    JACS, Bob has made very clear were he stands, he even mentioned “We all should be grateful to him”, so it is up to us if we want to swallow that pill or not.

    Unless Jerry Astro, I bet he is already hidden under a new name anyway.

    I stayed away from DPRforums just to avoid suffering from those bullies, I hope we will be different!

  • LeeJaypanorama_fish_eye
    273 posts
    2 years ago

    I've tried them all, but that white flash still hurts me. I'm not sure which is the least objectionable, but black with background and gray are probably the ones that hurt the least.

  • primeshooterpanorama_fish_eye
    217 posts
    2 years ago

    Strongly disagree with everything you've wrote here. It seems the crowd has spoken loudly. I'll say no more on the matter.

  • bobn2panorama_fish_eye
    2 years ago

    I think that I do understand, thank you. It's something that I've been thinking over quite a lot, and hazarding a guess, more than you.
    Firstly, reductio ad absurdum only works if you make a valid reduction - you haven't, you've introduced a faulty metaphor. I do quite understand that a lot of people here are carrying a lot of baggage. We need to do everything that we can to avoid a similar damaging experience happens here. But going on a blame trip is hardly ever a part of finding a constructive outcome. One of Nelson Mandela's pieces of insight and genius was the understanding that what is needed is truth and reconciliation. That is, we shouldn't be shy of understanding what really has happened in order not to do it again, but then what you need is not retribution, but reconciliation.

  • bobn2panorama_fish_eye
    2 years ago

    Frankly, you are not in a position to disagree, since you don't have access to my pms with Mako and don't know the history. You just assume that your experience was worse than mine. I suppose I could ask Mako which of us caused him more trouble.
    I'll just add. Mako has sent me a pm about this thread. His worry is that my being open about the communication will increase peoples' hostility and damage the site. It might be better just to let people express their anger and take it out on him. He might be right, but to be honest I prefer to be open.

  • bobn2panorama_fish_eye
    2 years ago

    Our policy specifically forbids bullying. The facilitation guidelines will also make it very clear that facilitators operate within the same conduct standards as other members. No privileges, no exceptions.

  • DeletedRemoved user
    2 years ago

    Bob, Alan and anyone else who was instrumental in starting this site, thanks for starting the forum. I don't use forums much but it's nice of you to carry on as it helps people gather info and to possibly assist others. I was a member at dpreview for years but eventually asked to be removed as I went back to film. A few years passed but when they opened the film forum I signed on again as that is my primary choice in photography.

    Bob, over the years I often wondered about the strange importance 'some' people put on dpreview as many were there every day, seemingly for hours on end. It was like an addiction for 'some' and it seemed (to me) to take on an unrealistic importance in 'some' people's lives, so things could get touchy in reasons that had nothing to do with cameras though cameras were the supposed subject. I realized for some it was personal as it was much more to them than a simple forum to get / give camera info. Some people seemed to feel the need to constantly save 'face' or impress with knowledge or lack thereof OR just a need to have the last word . . OR just to argue. (That's my Sigmund Freud moment to be taken with a smile and a grain of salt.) I'm sure moderation wasn't always easy at times. With Mako, I feel it became much more than it should have. He went out of his way to do the opposite of 'principles before personalities' it's why so many people are speaking up.

    Up to this point I haven't participated in ongoing 'dpreview' threads at dprevived because it seemed stupid to whine about the past and because this of course is an entirely different place, but Bob as you know there is a reason some feel the need to speak up about Mako. Now I want / need to after reading your post. I feel you are being schmoozed by him, though I respect your view as your own. No one forced him to be a moderator there. No one forced him to be a jerk, regardless of the rules. He far overstepped the rules. He could easily have stopped regardless of whatever selfless, altruistic excuse he may give. Like others it became personal to him which should never happen. Obviously he began to pick out people and put them on a 'list' of sorts. As a NYer I can be blunt . . I was banned a few times because he didn't like my tone rather than my point. Maybe I deserved it a couple of times. Then I would get banned because he didn't like my point in a discussion but he would use some other excuse. I then realized I was on some sort of list for him to watch out for, even though I hardly ever posted. Personally I feel no empathy for the guy or his whining about 'following the rules' as some sort of martyr (in his mind). To me he enjoyed having some sort of God complex and seemed to take out his misery on other people. Take care.

  • Threadedpanorama_fish_eye
    164 posts
    2 years ago

    To quote the old Maya Angelou saying, “when someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.”

    When you appoint someone to any role or task, you don’t simply run through a tick list of qualifications and accept their pinky promise to do the job properly, you take some account of their character and past performance and experience too. Right here on this thread (and others) you’ve got a wealth of people desperately trying to give you a character reference when it comes to Mako, and at the moment you’re seeming pretty determined to ignore and override them all; I think that’s a mistake.

    The kindest way to put it was that he very aggressively enforced a particularly strict interpretation of a rule that should have been set aside or treated with more flexibility in the circumstances, and was being treated with more flexibility by most other mods. He applied the ban, after twice deleting my posts with no explanation or warning at all; it was only after my third questioning what was going on that he slapped me with a ban and said my crime was posting in the “announcement” thread, despite the fact that several others already had without their posts being deleted. In truth the whole thing was arbitrary, very poorly explained and seemed entirely subject to an arcane set of rules that existed only in Mako’s head, and was for me to merely wonder upon.

    I’m all for second chances, but they should be earned.

  • Foskitopanorama_fish_eye
    284 posts
    2 years ago

    He banned me for life because I got in contact with a DPR moderator “outside” DPR, which was a violation of their rules, and “outside” was here! 😂

  • TOShooterpanorama_fish_eye
    153 posts
    2 years ago

    Isn't Bob in contact with a DPR moderator “outside” DPR, which was (is) a violation of their rules, and “outside” was (is) here?? 😂

  • bobn2panorama_fish_eye
    2 years ago

    It's a mistake to say that's what I'm doing. I'm just not answering hypothetical questions. Of course, lots of things, including attitude to the role and past history will be taken into account. Who said they wouldn't. What you won't get is statements in advance about hypothetical events and individuals. That's just plain wrong. Anyone deserves due process. But so far as I'm aware, what is being talked about is entirely hypothetical - unless there is someone there who knows something that I don't.

  • TheDavinatorpanorama_fish_eye
    621 posts
    2 years ago

    This is a prime example of who he really is…no matter how many PMs are sent…this is the real person.

  • bobn2panorama_fish_eye
    2 years ago

    Saying it's the result of being 'schmoozed' certainly doesn't sound to me like being respected. I respect your right to disagree, and your right to pronounce on affairs about which you have no information. But I'm pretty old, pretty experienced, not really in need of having my ego stroked, and frankly not an easy target for schmoozing. Not that it matters here, because as I said, Mako has not asked for, or even hinted at wanting, something from us.

  • bobn2panorama_fish_eye
    2 years ago

    Who you think the 'real person' is, isn't really relevant, I'm afraid. What is relevant is what is due process here, and whether people are entitled to it despite some summary judgments. And as I keep on saying, people are arguing about entirely hypothetical cases. Seriously, what is it that you expect me to do as a consequence of your opinion as to who is the 'real person'?

  • TOShooterpanorama_fish_eye
    153 posts
    2 years ago

    My feeling is that you're the boss, you shouldn't be getting into these discussions in this forum in the first place. On top of that, you should never have divulged that you were getting advice from Mako. You need to elevate yourself above the peasants, do the work behind the scenes that you need to do.

    I also don't think it's a matter of you staying out and him taking it on the chin. Apparently there's plenty of anger to go around on Mako, you're just further adding to the anger and getting it directed at you since you seem to be leaning towards possibly, maybe, want to, consider him as a mod. I personally have no beef with him, maybe I should have one, but once the conversation is over between me and a mod, it's over and forgotten.

    My problem with DPR is that the original Z6s and Z7s weren't much of it, and moderation changed, deleted, adjusted, banned, whatever and whomever they needed to put them in a favorable light. That's just crooked business. And if I were a mod, or if someone wanted me to do that in business, the answer would have been no. If moderation is actually a volunteer only endeavor, with no money changing hands, no loans of equipment, free equipment, deep discounts on equipment, then maybe you could explain to me why a moderator would do what I just described.

    And this is not directed at Mako. I don't remember what he might have pulled, changed or whatever.

  • TheDavinatorpanorama_fish_eye
    621 posts
    2 years ago

    I understand….but I also disagree. Who I think he is, is based upon his actions and behaviour…and that is indeed relevant. Mako banned someone for communicating with a mod outside DPReview. There is no rule against that, and as such, the banning was simply vindictive. That is not open to debate.

    That said, I’m done with all this. I highly doubt he will reveal himself as a regular member. And if I ever found out he moderated here, I’ll be gone. I’m just going to enjoy the rest of this forum and ignore these mako threads as it takes us no where and just makes people upset. You and the team are doing an awesome job and really, that is all that matters here. So, thank you!