• Members 711 posts
    Dec. 5, 2024, 8:09 p.m.

    I have to take a look, still awake (GMT +1 21:09) 😂

  • Members 1867 posts
    Dec. 5, 2024, 8:18 p.m.


    LOL Are we keeping you awake talking about camera stuff? LOL 😀 It's all in good fun. We got to have fun, while we sometimes have stressful jobs or things we do. 😀 That's what motivates us to get up in the morning. 😀

  • Members 711 posts
    Dec. 5, 2024, 8:32 p.m.

    Don't worry, it's not sleeping time yet.
    On the R8 Silent shutter does work in all settings AV/TV/M/FV etc etc
    On the RP I haven't found it yet 😂 (manual states only available in a scn mode and AV/TV etc etc settings can't be used)

  • Members 1867 posts
    Dec. 5, 2024, 8:38 p.m.


    OK, that's good that it's not sleeping time yet. I've done that many times where I'm excited about something (I'm sure we all have), and then stay up too late only to be too tired in the morning. Let me get my Canon RP and see if I can refresh my memory about how it was used with the silent shutter. I think it's pretty much the same as my Canon M50 Mark II, where it can only be used in scenic mode. But for sure, the Canon R8 allows us to control the settings with the silent shutter. Yay! 😀

  • Members 711 posts
    Dec. 5, 2024, 8:56 p.m.

    The R8 is basically a stripped down R6-II. They deleted the full mechanical shutter, IBIS, second card slot and a few other smaller things and (re)used the RP housing et voila the R8 😁
    What I do like about the R8 and 6R-II is the return of the AI focus setting (one shot and servo mixed)

  • Members 1867 posts
    Dec. 5, 2024, 9:03 p.m.


    Yes, I looked at my Canon RP camera and the way I have it set up is to use SCN (scenic) mode and then choose silent mode (silent shutter). I just saw a YouTube video that said that indeed all the controls are automatic.

    I'm so glad the Canon R8 is much better with silent shutter. I was pretty sure about that, but was very pleased to actually see it where I could use very high shutter speeds, much higher than I thought I would need. The maximum electronic shutter speed is 1/16000 of a second. I only tested it as high as 1/8000th of a second.

  • Members 1867 posts
    Dec. 5, 2024, 9:09 p.m.


    Thanks for the reply about the Canon R8 and Canon R6 Mark II. I didn't want to spend the money as I already have a lot of cameras, but I thought if I could get a good Black Friday refurbished price for it, then I would go for it. I'm glad I did.

    OK, it's time to save up for the next Black Friday. 😀

  • Members 711 posts
    Dec. 5, 2024, 9:26 p.m.

    The R8 is a very nice (small) camera.
    I prefer a little bigger camera. If I would use the RP and R8 I would have bought the extra grip the EG-E1 Extension Grip.

  • Members 1867 posts
    Dec. 5, 2024, 10:37 p.m.

    ArvoJ and anybody interested,

    Looking at an YouTube video today, I did find a way to change the exposure compensation using the Canon RP while using the silent mode. In the SCN mode I could change the exposure compensation and use the silent mode at the same time. But it was painfully slow and while I was doing that, once I accidentally changed something else that I did not want to change. With a fast action performance, it would be not the way I would want to do it. The Canon R8 is much better in this regard.

  • Dec. 5, 2024, 11:21 p.m.


    I do think that in the circumstance that you are working it would be best to shoot raw and set -1.7 EV. You might experiment with the last value to avoid highlights burning in. Then, in pp you can adjust the exposure level with help of the histogram, raise the dark parts and use noise reduction if necessary.

    I do this all the time.


  • Members 1867 posts
    Dec. 6, 2024, 12:17 a.m.

    Thanks David. I'll have to experiment later, seeing how different this camera is compared to other ones I've used. Most of the images I took then were not as bad as what I first showed with the overexposed faces. I wanted to show it only as an example for the motion blur. I have over a hundred photos that I resized from this event that look similar to the one I showed the second time.

    Like this one for example:
    Model - Canon EOS RP
    ExposureTime - 1/250 seconds
    FNumber - 7.10
    ISOSpeedRatings - 8000
    ExposureBiasValue - 0
    FocalLength - 105 mm
    Lens Model - RF24-105mm F4-7.1 IS STM


    David, I took over 1,700 pictures at this event (originals). I would estimate that only about 10% of them were poorly exposed like the first one I showed. With indoor performances the lighting can make this difficult. But 90% of them were nice. I would have liked a lens with a longer reach and the Canon R8 should fill in some of the gaps with using controls that I did not have previously. If I was to go to a lot of these performances something like the Canon RF 24-240mm lens would be ideal, I would think.

    Here's another one which is pretty typical to what I captured that day:
    Model - Canon EOS RP
    ExposureTime - 1/250 seconds
    FNumber - 8
    ISOSpeedRatings - 5000
    ExposureBiasValue - 0
    FocalLength - 105 mm
    Lens Model - RF24-105mm F4-7.1 IS STM

    Edit another time:

    One thing I forgot to mention that is important. There were times when the performers were jumping all around and spinning in the air. I didn't even bother taking any photos of them for I knew that the maximum 1/250th of a second shutter speed wasn't even going to come close to freezing the action. I constantly chimp my images, so I knew most of them were good, except when I needed higher shutter speeds. To avoid detection from the LCD screen, I tilted it up towards the ceiling. I could review the images as they were taken that way. But with automatic controls with whatever I got, I was grateful. I was wondering if someone was going to tap me in the shoulder to stop, but no-one did (since photography was not allowed). The reason that I took so many photos was because I went to two performances back to back. The people that I was with, wanted to do that, so I stayed with them. If I was going to a performance like this again, the Canon R8 should make a great difference with fast motion. Oh, I do wish I could have captured them spinning in the air without a flash, with complete silence and no disturbing lights coming from the camera. I definitely would have shown them.


    JPG, 328.5 KB, uploaded by Digirame on Dec. 6, 2024.


    JPG, 174.8 KB, uploaded by Digirame on Dec. 6, 2024.

  • Dec. 6, 2024, 7:47 a.m.

    These are excellent. I dont personally worry about any blur in the earlier one, as it suggests motion. It's a bit like photographing airplane propellers -- you want some blur. This stops the shot looking like a static tableau.


  • Members 1867 posts
    Dec. 8, 2024, 4:07 a.m.

    Subject: Christmas Parade

    This evening I went to a Christmas Parade. Here's one photo. I have about four hundred of them to review. Last year I took the Canon M50 Mark II camera for these parade pictures. This year I brought the Canon RP. I was going to bring the Canon R8 also, but it was rainy and with that I didn't want to bring too much since I would have to use an umbrella. (Also I didn't have a hood yet for the RF 24-50mm lens. That's been ordered.) But the rain stopped when we got to the parade and then I wished I had it, so I could make some test images. Overall, I found the Canon RP to be much better than the Canon M50 Mark II for these kinds of images at night. I was able to use about twice the shutter speed to reduce motion blur. There was some noise at very high ISO levels, but the biggest drawback was the lack of lighting. But that is expected at a night-time parade. I was fairly close to a street lamp. Sometimes that helps.

    When I finish going through all of the photos, I'll show some of them later. Have any of you gone to a Christmas parade or any such activities and taken pictures?
    Model - Canon EOS RP
    ExposureTime - 1/80 seconds
    FNumber - 4.50
    ISOSpeedRatings - 3200
    ExposureBiasValue - -0.67
    FocalLength - 35 mm
    Lens Model - RF24-105mm F4-7.1 IS STM


    Here's another version you may like straight out of the camera, with less lighting adjustment in post. Also, there's no cropping. I'm not sure which one is better.


    JPG, 168.6 KB, uploaded by Digirame on Dec. 8, 2024.


    JPG, 218.2 KB, uploaded by Digirame on Dec. 8, 2024.