• stevet1panorama_fish_eye
    774 posts
    5 months ago

    **The Weekly Collegial Show Your Photos Starting 21 October 2024 Any Brand****

    From Digirame:

    This is the weekly Collegial Show Your Photos Any Brand thread where we invite you to show your own pictures. It is collegial in that it is a pleasant and friendly place among photographers to share.
    I will begin this thread each Monday (Pacific Standard Time) to give each of you all the chance to share your weekend photos with us, for those that follow a regular work week schedule and choose to do it that way. But the pictures can be taken at any time with any camera, including your cell phone. It's open to all skill levels from beginners to advanced. The images posted can be anything from casual snaps to extraordinary. I'll be sure to comment to each of your photos, if you choose to share. Replies from others are encouraged also.
    The intent of this thread to mainly to just show photos in a relaxed way and to generate replies or comments about them. Generally I'm not planning to critique any image unless asked. But I or we may ask things about a photo that may develop into a discussion, always being friendly and helpful. It has been a request that I mention this and from what I've learned from past experience: Can you ask a member first if they would mind you editing their photos?
    Remember it's all about the enjoyment of taking pictures regardless of what we have. We can learn from each. Please share any tips or techniques too. A narrative sometimes also helps. Thanks everyone for your participation.

    I told Digirame that I would fill in this week.

    I've seen purple hydrangeas, and blue ones and pink ones, and even white ones, but I've never seen a red one before.



    Steve Thomas


    JPG, 721.1 KB, uploaded by stevet1 5 months ago.


    JPG, 926.9 KB, uploaded by stevet1 5 months ago.

  • AlanShlens
    5 months ago

    Walking in town today. Our town hall has had a bit of a refurbishment (OK, a 4 year makeover). I was playing with contrast and highlights.

    XSCF0116_cr (Superlarge).jpg

    XSCF0124-2 (Superlarge).JPG

    XSCF0121-2 (Superlarge).JPG

    XSCF0124-2 (Superlarge).JPG

    JPG, 1.5 MB, uploaded by AlanSh 5 months ago.

    XSCF0121-2 (Superlarge).JPG

    JPG, 1.9 MB, uploaded by AlanSh 5 months ago.

    XSCF0116_cr (Superlarge).jpg

    JPG, 1.1 MB, uploaded by AlanSh 5 months ago.

  • stevet1panorama_fish_eye
    774 posts
    5 months ago


    I like the B&W one. It has a timeless quality to it.

    Steve Thomas

  • stevet1panorama_fish_eye
    774 posts
    5 months ago

    My wife says these are Gerber Daisies. It's weird seeing flowers bloom in late October.

    (the sunflower is fake - the little sneak 😀)




    Steve Thomas


    JPG, 179.3 KB, uploaded by stevet1 5 months ago.


    JPG, 884.1 KB, uploaded by stevet1 5 months ago.


    JPG, 767.6 KB, uploaded by stevet1 5 months ago.

  • stevet1panorama_fish_eye
    774 posts
    5 months ago

    We bought a trash can for the kitchen that has a metal lid. I went down to Wal-Mart and bought a couple of sheet magnets in the craft section. They come in sheets of 5" X 8" .and have a sticky side to them.

    I printed this out in 5" X 7" and trimmed an inch off the side. Every week, our trash can will have a different look. Here's this week's:


    Steve Thomas


    JPG, 140.6 KB, uploaded by stevet1 5 months ago.

  • Photobygmshelp_outline
    721 posts
    5 months ago

    Nice shots/photos Steve

    I do like the B/W one Alan, the color ones look a bit overdone(to me) perhaps a bit to saturated and sort of halo around the tower, the last on is better

    I'll post later tonight a few from the weekend, (spoiler alert: G.A.S has struck again) 😆😂

  • AlanShlens
    5 months ago

    Thanks. The colour ones being over saturated was deliberate. I wanted to see what they looked like.

    As to your GAS - we need to know!!!!


  • stevet1panorama_fish_eye
    774 posts
    5 months ago

    They're comin' to get you. Converted in DPP4.



    Steve Thomas


    JPG, 794.6 KB, uploaded by stevet1 5 months ago.


    JPG, 826.4 KB, uploaded by stevet1 5 months ago.

  • Photobygmshelp_outline
    721 posts
    5 months ago

    The new addition:
    G.A.S (RF 28-70mm)
    Canon RF 28-70mm F/2.8 IS STM in a Kodak i5850 scanner 😎
    (One of the scanners I do work with on a daily basis)

    I couldn't resist buying this lens, F2.8 in a small and light package (17.5 oz / 495g)
    First results do look very nice, used the lens this weekend during a hike. We were visiting family in the more southern part of the Netherlands.
    And some cloudy autumn weather we visited the Oostvoornse Duinen area
    We didn't look for birds but we did see a few roe deers.








    And with the RP and RF 24-240:




    JPG, 889.5 KB, uploaded by Photobygms 5 months ago.


    JPG, 1.3 MB, uploaded by Photobygms 5 months ago.


    JPG, 727.1 KB, uploaded by Photobygms 5 months ago.


    JPG, 1.9 MB, uploaded by Photobygms 5 months ago.


    JPG, 1.2 MB, uploaded by Photobygms 5 months ago.


    JPG, 699.2 KB, uploaded by Photobygms 5 months ago.


    JPG, 1.4 MB, uploaded by Photobygms 5 months ago.


    JPG, 540.6 KB, uploaded by Photobygms 5 months ago.


    JPG, 398.4 KB, uploaded by Photobygms 5 months ago.


    JPG, 408.8 KB, uploaded by Photobygms 5 months ago.


    JPG, 771.1 KB, uploaded by Photobygms 5 months ago.

  • stevet1panorama_fish_eye
    774 posts
    5 months ago


    I like your swan picture; especially their reflections in the water.

    Steve Thomas

  • Digiramepanorama_fish_eye
    1878 posts
    5 months ago

    Subject: Sunrise

    I'm back from the trip. I thought you might want to see one of the trip photos. I don't usually take pictures of sunrises, but I thought this one was spectacular. I hope you like it too. 😀 I have others, that I may show later.

    Steve, thanks for hosting this thread. I can start the next thread on October 28th. I'll be spending a lot of time post processing, so I won't be participating as much for the next two or three days. But I thought I would at least show one of my photos. 😀

    Model - Canon EOS RP
    ExposureTime - 1/100 seconds
    FNumber - 8
    ISOSpeedRatings - 320
    ExposureBiasValue - -1
    FocalLength - 82 mm
    Lens Model - RF24-105mm F4-7.1 IS STM


    JPG, 118.6 KB, uploaded by Digirame 5 months ago.

  • stevet1panorama_fish_eye
    774 posts
    5 months ago

    Any of you guys have some windshield washer fluid I could borrow?

    I can't see a thing.


    Steve Thomas


    JPG, 764.3 KB, uploaded by stevet1 5 months ago.

  • Photobygmshelp_outline
    721 posts
    5 months ago

    @stevet1 I have a 5 litre jerrycan ready for you 😂(mixture ready for -22c)

  • stevet1panorama_fish_eye
    774 posts
    5 months ago

    Now, I went and did it.

    I almost hit the cat.

    Now, she's traumatized.

    Mama Mia.jpg

    Steve Thomas

    Mama Mia.jpg

    JPG, 677.7 KB, uploaded by stevet1 5 months ago.