• Digiramepanorama_fish_eye
    1888 posts
    10 months ago


    It looks like you are having some sunshine. We are experiencing the same, but this time without clouds.

    To better appreciate your photos, I looked at the larger sizes. I really like the fourth one with all of the trees. There's a mixture of lighting there and you seemed to have captured that perfectly. I just love seeing all of those fresh spring green leaves.

  • Photobygmshelp_outline
    725 posts
    10 months ago

    Thanks @Digirame Spring is there so to say. 😎

  • Digiramepanorama_fish_eye
    1888 posts
    10 months ago

    Subject: Yellow Rose

    This is the first rose flower picture from me for the year 2024. 😀 Some early roses are starting to bloom with the warmer weather. OK, what did I use for the background? 😀


    Model - Canon EOS Rebel T7i
    ExposureTime - 1/320 seconds
    FNumber - 10
    ISOSpeedRatings - 1250
    ExposureBiasValue - 0.33
    FocalLength - 100 mm
    Lens Model - EF-S55-250mm f/4-5.6 IS STM


    JPG, 116.4 KB, uploaded by Digirame 10 months ago.

  • Digiramepanorama_fish_eye
    1888 posts
    10 months ago

    Subject: Reminder

    Remember that the starting date for the next weekly thread will be on Monday. So please continue sharing during this weekend. Thank you all for your contributions and comments. We started off really well.

  • stevet1panorama_fish_eye
    775 posts
    10 months ago

    What do you think of this approach?

    I ran across this a couple times in my reading. It goes like this...

    When facing a high dynamic range situation, expose for the highlights, and add 2-3 stops of positive exposure compensation.

    One guy went so far as to say he spot-metered off the highlights.

    I haven't tried this yet, but I just wondered what you all thought.

    Steve Thomas

  • Digiramepanorama_fish_eye
    1888 posts
    10 months ago


    I take each image on a case by case basis. I'm not sure I exactly understand what you are trying to say. Sometimes a person might want to expose for the faces or the sky or something else. So it just depends on the circumstances.

  • 10 months ago

    Yes, I always use spot metering and often do that, but not more than one or two stops over. Then I back off the highlights and bring up the shadows in pp. If you are going to experiment with the technique, it may pay to use exposure bracketing until you get the results you want with your camera.


  • 10 months ago


    Your rose is nice. I have no idea about the background. 😀

    This reminds me. I took these two weekends ago and forgot to show them. Sorry!


    I nearly got drenched when the spray suddenly turned towards me: must have been driven by AI, and knew I was there!


    This is the first time I have had success with daisies.






    JPG, 1.5 MB, uploaded by davidwien 10 months ago.


    JPG, 3.7 MB, uploaded by davidwien 10 months ago.


    JPG, 1.7 MB, uploaded by davidwien 10 months ago.


    JPG, 1.7 MB, uploaded by davidwien 10 months ago.


    JPG, 307.9 KB, uploaded by davidwien 10 months ago.

  • stevet1panorama_fish_eye
    775 posts
    10 months ago


    Nice rose. It looks like a piece of blue velvet in the background.

    As far as the high dynamic range technique goes, I think the theory is that by exposing for the highlights, (a bright sky) the camera is going to underexpose a little to bring things back to 18% grey. This results in a very dark foreground. Adding a couple of stops of positive exposure compensation will lighten the shadows (the foreground).

    I think this technique is practced more by people who shoot RAW, and intend to spend time in post production. I think in earlier times, it might have been known as ETTR, or expose to the right.

    Steve Thomas

  • 10 months ago


    It is still known as ETTR. The technique only works with raw, because the highlights are not cut off as they are with jpeg.



  • Digiramepanorama_fish_eye
    1888 posts
    10 months ago


    Ah...beautiful roses. I like those a lot. Also it's nice to see the blue sky. I edited this to say that I really like the daises too. Yes, you got that just right.

    The background for my yellow rose was a plastic black garbage bag. I could wrap it around the leaves. I'll have to keep looking for better backgrounds. It was just something I was playing around with.

  • Photobygmshelp_outline
    725 posts
    10 months ago
  • Digiramepanorama_fish_eye
    1888 posts
    10 months ago


    The background for my yellow rose flower was a plastic black garbage bag. I was just playing around with it, trying to do something different.

  • AlanShpanorama_fish_eye
    10 months ago

    It worked well.

  • stevet1panorama_fish_eye
    775 posts
    10 months ago


    You done good.

    Steve Thomas

  • stevet1panorama_fish_eye
    775 posts
    10 months ago


    Steve Thomas.


    JPG, 142.6 KB, uploaded by stevet1 10 months ago.

  • Digiramepanorama_fish_eye
    1888 posts
    10 months ago


    Is the "bear" hibernating? 😀 It looks like it might have had a lot of activity to make it so tired.

  • stevet1panorama_fish_eye
    775 posts
    10 months ago


    Hah! This particular "bear" hibernates 27 hours a day, at least.

    As you know, Irfanview lets you put a frame around a picture. I was curious to see if I could insert text into the frame, instead of the actual picture. I added a plain white frame and increased the pixel size to 20 pixels. I added a text box to the frame and typed in some text. It worked pretty well, I think. I figured you could use it to label some magnificent landscape shot like Mount Hood or something 😀

    Steve Thomas

  • stevet1panorama_fish_eye
    775 posts
    10 months ago

    Just a little framing shot at 97mm from about 10-12 feet away, I think.
    I was using the 18-135 USM lens.
    At first, I thought my lens had a scratch, and I thought, "Oh no!". but it turned out some little black bird decided to photobomb my shot, and I had to airbrush his little behind out of the picture.

    img_left tutn_0843.JPG

    Steve Thomas

    img_left tutn_0843.JPG

    JPG, 674.1 KB, uploaded by stevet1 10 months ago.

  • Digiramepanorama_fish_eye
    1888 posts
    10 months ago


    Thanks for the tip about adding text to the frame. I'll have to look at it later.

  • Digiramepanorama_fish_eye
    1888 posts
    10 months ago


    Sometimes I am able to copy & paste away distracting elements, if they are in something plain like sky.

  • stevet1panorama_fish_eye
    775 posts
    10 months ago


    Recently, I started shooting in C-RAW and am learning how to use DPP4. I download my pictures to a thumb drive to save disk space on my hard drive and work from there. After any editing, I convert the file to a jpg for web and printing purposes.
