It seems to me that all Internet photography forums have some of each of the following:
1) extremely technical members with VERY detailed/technical knowledge who also produce amazing imagery
2) completely non-technical members who are creatives and produce amazing images and could care less about the “technical flurf” as it all about the images.
Then also….
3) members who drool technical knowledge but who create images that are little more than “ducks in a pond in flat light”. …. “Look at my new lens!!!!”
4) members who have no technical knowledge and create images that are little more than “ducks in a pond in flat light” …… ‘went to the lake today….”
Then also
5) members who are a bit technical and a bit creative and are able to create images, with skill, regardless off the tools, that are “quite good/accomplished” but not “great”…. They aren’t winning global awards but they are paying the bills (if they are pros).
I am in group 5. And I think that the bulk of members on these forums are too.
Groups #1 and #2 dislike each other. But they have something in common: they make great images. So, they get along.
Groups 3 and 4 are generally internet PITA’s as, frankly and IMO, they are in it for “ego” and not growth.
Group 5 (which I believe are most members) is along for the ride, trying to learn and become better by producing better and better conceptual imagery - the kind of stuff that really takes you there and makes you think. They don’t fight, they ask. They probe. They want to learn.
This site, and all sites are dependent on the productive wisdom of groups 1, 2 and 5. Groups 3 and 4 rarely contribute to the discussion other than “look at my new lens” or “went to the lake today” but they inject a lot of the turmoil. I think that we should each ask ourselves which group we are in as it will help to self-moderate.