• Vahurpanorama_fish_eye
    452 posts
    9 months ago

    These are my favorite shots, showing well this structure and view for passengers.

  • Vahurpanorama_fish_eye
    452 posts
    9 months ago

    Like this shot with shadows and leading lines to lonely walker.

  • Vahurpanorama_fish_eye
    452 posts
    9 months ago

    Thanks! Fortunately nobody expected anything from me, as there was one photographer who shots this dance studio performances and also 2 video shooters. I tried to not to get on a way for them and public who shot performance with their phones, so I kept myself mostly to side and thus had limited opportunity for shots. And I was bit short with lenses, having 12-40 as longest lens, in some cases 40-150 would have been better to capture faces and expressions. I addition to this I had in most time no idea what to expect or on what to concentrate, so I was definitely in deeper water than I could paddle.
    Anyway, I had fun, got some shots I'm pleased with and learned something so it's win in my books.

  • Vahurpanorama_fish_eye
    452 posts
    9 months ago

    Love this action shot, well captured!

  • 976 posts
    9 months ago

    Beautiful birds. Don't they know we're supposed to be protecting bees now?! 😃

  • Bryanpanorama_fish_eye
    1341 posts
    9 months ago

    No one told them. I saw them catch many bees. Bird eyesight is phenomenal. They would fly out of a tree 30 - 40 metres, catch one and fly back. I watch the fantails flitting around in the air catching small midges, which I can only see when backlit by the sun.

  • NCVlens
    1991 posts
    9 months ago

    As I said before, the shot of the bee eater with a bee almost in his mouth is magical.

  • 373 posts
    9 months ago

    Although I've shot quite a lot of B&W film in the dim and distant past, this was the first time I'd shot a digital camera set to B&W so that I'm composing through a viewfinder in B&W, which is something I'd never thought to do before, but I think it actually helps to see what will and wont work in B&W. After an hour or two of this, I definitely felt like I was looking for compositions a little differently to how I normally would.

    Here's a couple of tree images I shot later in the week. Both of these were composed and shot in B&W and I think they work much better than the colour conversions I've added for comparison, reminding me of scenes from the old Universal gothic horror films of the 1930's, such as James Whale's Frankenstein. With the colour reinstated, I think they lose a lot of their atmosphere and menacing tone.




    JPG, 2.3 MB, uploaded by SteveMonks 9 months ago.


    JPG, 2.1 MB, uploaded by SteveMonks 9 months ago.

  • Danelandpanorama_fish_eye
    1081 posts
    9 months ago

    They have beautiful eyes, I love them 😇

    My sat nav took me narrowest and steepest streets of Sarajevo while I was trying to go to old Olympic village. It was a nightmare. I should have used my common sense instead of following it.

  • Danelandpanorama_fish_eye
    1081 posts
    9 months ago
  • Danelandpanorama_fish_eye
    1081 posts
    9 months ago

    I love them , I liked the bridge with shadow. One of the steps shot reminded me Aztec's temples.

  • Danelandpanorama_fish_eye
    1081 posts
    9 months ago
  • Danelandpanorama_fish_eye
    1081 posts
    9 months ago

    Nice weather 😉, this is my pick.

  • Danelandpanorama_fish_eye
    1081 posts
    9 months ago
  • Danelandpanorama_fish_eye
    1081 posts
    9 months ago

    Nice highlights and shadows. Beautiful street shot.

  • Danelandpanorama_fish_eye
    1081 posts
    9 months ago

    It is an interesting set, you did it very well here.

  • Woodsider79panorama_fish_eye
    800 posts
    9 months ago

    I remember doing that too 😁
    Will definitely try your broad bean reccommendation.

  • 1184 posts
    9 months ago

    I always need a bit longer to reply to your posts, with their normal multitude of images to look at ;-)
    My favourites are the ones above. Nicely composed!
    I've always thought that using the B&W setting directly on the camera and capturing in B&W would be a disadvantage because if the colour info is lost, you don't get the opportunity in post to modify the grey tones based on their colour. In post it's like having a set of coloured filters available, perhaps even different ones for specific parts of the image. That's sort of analogous to how you lose out when shooting only jpg and not RAW.

    Maybe I should try sometime setting the camera to B&W to "look for good B&W scenes" in the viewfinder, then shoot them in colour and convert them in post to get the best of both ideas?