• Members 974 posts
    July 6, 2024, 8:27 a.m.

    Good morning to everyone wherever you are in the world...

    • This long-running thread originated on DPReview has grown into an all-inclusive community in which all brands of camera are welcome.
    • Leave your guns and knives at the door. Keep it polite.
    • A new week kicks off Saturday morning (UK time).
    • It can get a bit tangled in here, please edit your post to make it clear to whom you are replying.
    • Don’t just post and run, try to comment on other peoples’ work. We all like feedback.
    • Posting in this thread implies you’re happy to receive feedback.

  • Members 974 posts
    July 6, 2024, 8:28 a.m.


    I have no idea what happens in this building in Riga, nor do I want to know.


    JPG, 627.0 KB, uploaded by Wormsmeat on July 6, 2024.

  • Members 451 posts
    July 6, 2024, 8:56 a.m.


    I visited my brother during midsummer days and he took me to his previous work area. Well, he was just doing some terraforming work to change mining tailings hill into recreational area.

    View from bottom. I had only 17 mm lens with my OM-5 so I could capture only part of it. Only later I recalled that OM-5 has panorama mode...

    Another limited view

    There is also way to walk to the top, starting with gravel road and then stairs. Lot of them. Total ascent was ca 70 meters. Good thing that I'm taking care of my fitness...

    View to road

    View to mining area. On right edge of horizon one can see tall stacks of power plant, using that mined oil shale. That power plant is near to river Narva, separating Estonia and Russia.

    View to industrial area.

    Recreational area, dirt track.


    JPG, 785.6 KB, uploaded by Vahur on July 6, 2024.


    JPG, 964.6 KB, uploaded by Vahur on July 6, 2024.


    JPG, 803.6 KB, uploaded by Vahur on July 6, 2024.


    JPG, 953.7 KB, uploaded by Vahur on July 6, 2024.


    JPG, 550.8 KB, uploaded by Vahur on July 6, 2024.


    JPG, 572.4 KB, uploaded by Vahur on July 6, 2024.


    JPG, 908.7 KB, uploaded by Vahur on July 6, 2024.

  • Members 451 posts
    July 6, 2024, 9:05 a.m.

    From google translation I understood that sign is about selling apartments and other rooms. Seems like good investment opportunity, with million dollar, euro view? :D

  • Members 1986 posts
    July 6, 2024, 9:06 a.m.

    Summer on Lake Garda

    I was near to Lake Garda for work last week. Just after I had visited the lemon greenhouses on the lake the heavens opened. This year we are having a really wet summer. Still I came back with three boxes of wine from some vineyards I know.

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    The cultivation of lemons was once an important industry here, before synthetic citric acid made the cultivation of lemons for industry obsolete. Just a couple of these greenhouses remain. In the winter the roof is covered and the sides closed. The Limoncino they make is quite nice.

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    The cathedral in Salo

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    JPG, 1.3 MB, uploaded by NCV on July 6, 2024.

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    JPG, 1.0 MB, uploaded by NCV on July 6, 2024.

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    JPG, 1.1 MB, uploaded by NCV on July 6, 2024.

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    JPG, 1.1 MB, uploaded by NCV on July 6, 2024.

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    JPG, 712.4 KB, uploaded by NCV on July 6, 2024.

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    JPG, 1.2 MB, uploaded by NCV on July 6, 2024.

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    JPG, 1.1 MB, uploaded by NCV on July 6, 2024.

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    JPG, 1001.5 KB, uploaded by NCV on July 6, 2024.

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    JPG, 1.3 MB, uploaded by NCV on July 6, 2024.

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    JPG, 868.3 KB, uploaded by NCV on July 6, 2024.

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    JPG, 959.0 KB, uploaded by NCV on July 6, 2024.

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    JPG, 836.2 KB, uploaded by NCV on July 6, 2024.

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    JPG, 686.4 KB, uploaded by NCV on July 6, 2024.

  • Members 1986 posts
    July 6, 2024, 9:39 a.m.

    Let's hope the whole area returns to the greenness that we see in the last shot.

  • Members 1986 posts
    July 6, 2024, 9:41 a.m.

    Pretty grim looking place. If they are converting this building into apartments, I guess they are going to tart it up a bit.

  • Members 372 posts
    July 6, 2024, 10:20 a.m.


    While I was out walking one evening last week, I stumbled across a family of young Kestrels. I only had the X-T50 with me, but I'd had the foresight to pack the Fujifilm 55-200 zoom, which is relatively light and takes my reach out to 300mm in full frame terms. The light was really dull so I bumped the ISO much higher than I would normally want to, hoping I'd be able to tame the noise later using Topaz. Despite bumping the ISO to 6400, I was still getting relatively slow shutter speeds for capturing flying birds, plus they were a bit too far away while in the air, so the results were better than nothing, but not great.

    Guess Who's Coming To Dinner?

    This was an early attempt to catch one in flight. At the time I took this, I hadn't realised she was carrying a tasty snack in the form of an unfortunate field mouse (or it might be a mole, I'm not entirely sure). This was a relatively small crop, so it's had the full gamut of what Topaz can throw at it (upscale, noise reduction and sharpening) to try and make something acceptable.


    Permission to Land

    This would have been a great shot if I'd had more reach and more light. Again, it's been Topaz'd to within an inch of its life.

    XT501406 1.jpg


    She stood on this post for quite a while. I was initially about 30ft away and crouching in the grass, but every so often (especially when cramp set in), I'd try to shuffle forward and get a bit closer. Eventually, I got to within about 20ft where this shot was taken. It's probably the best from that particular encounter.


    I was reasonably pleased with the last image, particularly given the equipment I was using, but reckoned I'd be able to do better with a more appropriate camera and lens combo, so the next night I set out to the same location with the Z8 and Nikkor 100-400 f/4.5-5.6S. An extra 100mm (effectively), a less noisy sensor and a camera and lens built for speed, this was going to be so much easier.

    When I reached the location, I found a nice sheltered spot, sat down and waited. And waited. And waited. After about 20 minutes of contemplation, I decided the birds were going to be a no show and decided that I'd go and have a wander in the nearby woods instead. As I started to move off I spotted not one, but two Kestrels on some distant fenceposts and began to creep closer.

    The Kestrels spotted me immediately, but weren't particularly bothered as I was still far enough away from them.

    Not You Again?

    As I got closer one bird flew away, while the other just stood there surveying the area and occasionally giving me dirty looks. This was taken at 400mm and the original image is cropped down to 6.5MP, so it still has a decent amount of detail.


    Stretch Your Wings

    While she was stood there, she decided to have a little stretch, first mobilising her wings.


    Leg Day

    And then stretching her legs. I knew she was getting ready to take to the air, so I was primed, the camera had a good focus lock, I just needed to wait for the right moment...


    And She's Off!

    In an instant she opened her wings and flew from the post, naturally I tracked her smoothly, probably too smoothly as all I got was a shot of her undercarriage as seen in this uncropped shot.

    DSC_3597 1.jpg

    World Class Tracking

    As she soared into the air, I continued to track her repeatedly firing the shutter. I think I was on CL release by this point, however, my shots of the Kestrel in flight were less than impressive. This (uncropped image) would have been pretty good had it been sharp. I'm not sure if the issue here was the focus tracking had missed or I simply hadn't dialled in a high enough shutter speed. I would have thought 1/1000th of a second would have been enough, but maybe not. In the full res image you can see what look like little streaks in the air around the bird, which I guess were water droplets or midges and, as they're streaks, it does indicate motion.


    Faraway Flyer

    This one looks sharp, but she's a bit too far away. This is from a 5MP crop that's been run through Topaz to upscale it a bit. I'm not entirely sure that's helping. It looks a bit sharper, but also (at full res) looks a bit impressionistic.


    A Sinister Glare

    When she landed again I was able to get close enough to take this shot (6MP square crop). She looks so pleased to see me, either that or she's weighing up whether it's worth attacking me or not. Either way, I decided it was a good time to leave.



    Not that anyone should be taking bird photography tips from me, but for anyone interested, I had the Z8 set to AF-C, with the largest custom focus box it would let me set, auto subject detection enabled and CL release. I was in shutter priority, with the shutter speed set to 1/1000th of a second and auto ISO enabled. I have all of this set up on a 2nd custom bank, so it's a one button job to switch between this and my typical landscape setup.

    In general, the subject detection worked well, latching onto the bird accurately and even onto its eye when I was close enough. Occasionally, it refused to see the bird at all and decided a nearby lump of rock was a better target. This was annoying, because when it does that, there doesn't seem to be any way to get it to re-examine the scene or even manually set the focus lock. I've subsequently read various configuration suggestions which sacrifice a programmable button for a one button switch between focus areas or even focus modes (i.e. back to spot AF-S) to deal with these situations, so I need to play around a bit more with how I've got the camera configured.

    I could have done with a bit more reach, so I may need to invest in the 1.4x teleconverter at some point as I believe this plays well with the 100-400 and it would put me roughly in the same ballpark as the 150-600 without adding much extra bulk.

    Out of the two cameras, the Nikon performed much better for this use case as expected, but the little X-T50 did quite well too, in fact its subject detection seemed a bit happier to find the bird than the Nikon did, whether or not it was actually focussing on it is another matter, although considering it was somewhat hamstrung by the lens I was using it with. Fuji's 100-400 would have been a handy lens in this instance, but I no longer own one as I always found its AF to be really hit and miss when I had it with the X-H2 (from my own experience, I'm convinced a lot of the problems people have with Fuji AF are lens related). It's also nearly as heavy as the Nikon 100-400, so it's not something I'd want to be carrying around with my lightweight X-T50.


    JPG, 533.5 KB, uploaded by SteveMonks on July 6, 2024.

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    JPG, 1.8 MB, uploaded by SteveMonks on July 6, 2024.


    JPG, 408.0 KB, uploaded by SteveMonks on July 6, 2024.


    JPG, 813.4 KB, uploaded by SteveMonks on July 6, 2024.


    JPG, 776.9 KB, uploaded by SteveMonks on July 6, 2024.


    JPG, 771.5 KB, uploaded by SteveMonks on July 6, 2024.


    JPG, 798.1 KB, uploaded by SteveMonks on July 6, 2024.

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    JPG, 504.3 KB, uploaded by SteveMonks on July 6, 2024.


    JPG, 290.4 KB, uploaded by SteveMonks on July 6, 2024.


    JPG, 417.8 KB, uploaded by SteveMonks on July 6, 2024.

  • Members 1526 posts
    July 6, 2024, 10:44 a.m.


    Art Deco Filtration Plant in Toronto from 1930's. Still fully operational. Access is restricted, but I managed to take a shot from the side door window.



    JPG, 3.6 MB, uploaded by ChrisOly on July 6, 2024.

  • Members 1986 posts
    July 6, 2024, 10:47 a.m.

    The formal composition is just right for this subject. Extra points for the vertical verticals.

    [Note - edited by Alan to move NCV's reply outside the quoted area]

  • Members 1986 posts
    July 6, 2024, 10:52 a.m.

    I always appreciate your descriptive posts. You got some nice shots of the kestrel.

    I am still tempted by the Z8, but for my photography I guess the old Z7 is more than sufficient.

    I believe a lot of the time knowing your gear counts for a lot with nature photography.

  • Members 974 posts
    July 6, 2024, 11:02 a.m.

    This is a really nice, arty, shot

  • Members 974 posts
    July 6, 2024, 11:06 a.m.

    These two have stunning light, was the second captured with a polz filter?
    I had some home-made limoncello when we went to a little winery for an evening meal. It was delicious. Can't stand the stuff normally.

  • Members 974 posts
    July 6, 2024, 11:08 a.m.

    Looks quite cute and fluffy in the 3rd. Although not to a mouse I'm guessing.

  • Members 974 posts
    July 6, 2024, 11:09 a.m.

    You had me at art deco. It's beautiful.

  • Members 1526 posts
    July 6, 2024, 11:48 a.m.

    Latvia joined NATO in 2004, but remains of the past still linger...

  • Members 1526 posts
    July 6, 2024, 11:49 a.m.

    Very peaceful place.

  • Members 372 posts
    July 6, 2024, 11:50 a.m.

    Yep, most of the things I photograph these days don't really move very much (trees, hills, wide open moors), so I've not needed to delve too deeply into the configuration options for AF tracking or rapidly switching AF modes so far and I think it takes a good few sessions with the camera in these sort of circumstances to refine the ideal setup, so I'll probably need a few more bird encounters before I'm completely happy with the setup for this application. I also need to get back into tracking moving subjects myself. When I used to video skating events I was a dab hand at tracking the skaters with a video camera, but I seem to have lost a lot of my ability to do this well over the years. Again, it's lack of practice (possibly a bit of age related crapness creeping in too), so I just need to get out more and do this sort of thing.

    As for the Z8 vs Z7, there's no real advantage with the Z8 for landscape or architectural work, other than being able to see the histogram and horizon level simultaneously. IQ is about the same, there's supposed to be a slight loss of DR on the Z8, but I've never noticed it in practice and I do like to push my raw files to breaking point from time to time. The Z7's advantage here is probably negated by the banding issue which I have seen a few times. The only thing I would say is it's a much nicer camera to use. The controls fit my hands better and it seems much more responsive than the Z7. There's also a substantial discount on it in the UK at the moment (£3,299 vs the normal £3,789 price), I'm not sure what the situation is where you are, but if you were tempted it's worth waiting for such discounts to appear.